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Canadian Terrestrial Eco zones By: Kim. Map of Canada’s EcozonesArctic Cordillera Ecozone Long Winters and short summers Precipitation of Less than 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Terrestrial Eco zones By: Kim. Map of Canada’s EcozonesArctic Cordillera Ecozone Long Winters and short summers Precipitation of Less than 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Terrestrial Eco zones By: Kim

2 Map of Canada’s EcozonesArctic Cordillera Ecozone Long Winters and short summers Precipitation of Less than 200 mm Basically no growing season in this ecozone This ecozone consists Of a range of mountains - The north of the Arctic Cordilleran is cold and dry Throughout the year - Where the ice caps are located - The south of this ecozone is more fortunate having a more humid climate and cool summers with long hours of sunlight - Where the glaciers are located Characteristics It ranges from the northeastern parts of Nunavut to the northern parts of Quebec

3 Overview of the Land Main landform is mountains Changes in elevation Approximately 75% of this ecozone is exposed bedrock The other 25% is glaciers and ice fields ➥ This is the ultimate landscape for NunatakNunatak Soil in this area is limited and is a type of soil known as cryosolic soilscryosolic soils ➥ With these factors the land only supports herbaceous vegetationherbaceous

4 Positive This ecozone has a protected park called “Quttinirpaaq National Park” which includes 7 fjords, a variety of glaciers and the world’s largest lake north of the Arctic Circle called “Lake Hazen” Contains unique icy scenery

5 Negative Temperatures can reach as low as -40C and within a year there are 10 months of inhospitable weather cold enough to keep water frozen. Therefore, with so little frost-free days in this region, the area can only support herbaceous tundra vegetation. People in this region have to hunt, fish and trap for survival leaving them deprived of vitamins C and D and more that crops provide.inhospitable

6 Human Activities Hunting Trapping Fishing A little bit of gas and oil exploration Only about a thousand people live in this 196,235 km 2 (75,767 sq mi) island.

7 Interesting PointsGeographic Issue » World’s tenth largest island and Canada’s third largest island » Covers 2.5% of Canada » This ecozone is known for its unique and broad ice and mountains however, due to global warming in the 20 th century the Ellesmere Ice shelf reduced by 90% (this covered the Northwest coast of Ellesmere Island)

8 Overall -Small area -Has a small population -Very Cold -Little plants and animal species -Not much resources -Untouched Land

9 Thank you for listening

10 Bibliography lera/a_cordillera.htm rdillera/arcticcordillera.htm regions/ - esimagemap.gif esimagemap.gif

11 Inhospitable [in-hos-pi-tuh-buhl] Not offering shelter or favourable conditions, etc.; barren

12 Herbaceous [hur-bey-shuhs] These plants are herb-like and leafy back

13 Nunatak [nuhn-uh-tak] a hill or mountain that has been completely encircled by a glacier back

14 Cryosolic Soils [khray- oh- sawh-lik] Is soil with minerals or organic materials that is at least 1 metre frozen back

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