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How we gon’ travel Qikiqtarjuaq, Jon’s Stop! The iceberg capital of the world! Highest mountains in North America east of the Rockies! Mount Asgard!->

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Presentation on theme: "How we gon’ travel Qikiqtarjuaq, Jon’s Stop! The iceberg capital of the world! Highest mountains in North America east of the Rockies! Mount Asgard!->"— Presentation transcript:




4 How we gon’ travel

5 Qikiqtarjuaq, Jon’s Stop! The iceberg capital of the world! Highest mountains in North America east of the Rockies! Mount Asgard!-> I Know Right! Thor was here!

6 Whale Watching! Whales, Belugas, Orcas, and Narwhals! You still have to wear those jackets.

7 Hiking in the Mountains!

8 Clyde River By AJ Mills

9 Climate L - far north way above the equator O(ocean curents do not effect as ocean is frozen for most of the year) W (cold wind curent from high artic) E (close to sea level) R(no effect as no mountains near city) N(close to ocean but ocean is mostly frozen so does not effect)

10 Climate (pt.2) (temp)

11 Climate (pt.3)

12 Activities FlQ FlQ clyde-river/ clyde-river/ Back Country skiing Pond Hockey

13 Nature of Clyde River Clyde River with the surrounding mountains and ice glaciers attracts rock climbers from around the world Animals to be seen are Narwhales, Polar Bears, Barren-ground Caribou and other sea creatures

14 Climate L - far north way above the equator O(ocean curents do not effect as ocean is frozen for most of the year) W (cold wind curent from high artic) E (close to sea level) R(no effect as no mountains near city) N(close to ocean but ocean is mostly frozen so does not effect)

15 Dylan’s Presentation By Dylan

16 Changes A few changes you may notice as you get farther up will be… – Slightly colder – Fewer mountains

17 Landforms Mountains in the Arctic Cordillera include – Barbeau Peak Tallest peak in the arctic cordillera (2616 m/8583 ft.) – Mount Wordie Height: 1548m (5079 ft.)

18 Landforms Sam ford fiord Icy arm fiord – (its chilly) Buchan fiord

19 Pond Inlet Population: 1,549 NU, Canada, Qikiqtaaluk Region

20 Aurora Borealis Aurora borealis – 2012-2013 are the prime times for watching due to a very interesting schedule of the sun

21 Polar Bear Watching POLAR BEARS ARE SICK – Don’t miss it, its fully unreal

22 Bibliograpy /a_cordillera.htm /a_cordillera.htm 68_White+Triplets+Peaks.html 68_White+Triplets+Peaks.html trc/htm/ecozone01_e.asp trc/htm/ecozone01_e.asp,_Nunavut

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