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UMSA Project of Implementation Administration 2001 - 2003 Blithz Lozada.

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Presentation on theme: "UMSA Project of Implementation Administration 2001 - 2003 Blithz Lozada."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMSA Project of Implementation Administration 2001 - 2003 Blithz Lozada

2 dipgis umsa Committee of Areas 1.Vicerrector Eng.. Iván Irazoque Tobías President of the Committee 2.Dean of Health Area Dr. Guido Zambrana 3.Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities Area Dr. Fernando Cajías de la Vega 4.Dean of Technological Area Eng. Javier Lucero Bilbao la Vieja 5.Chief of DIPGIS M.Sc. Blithz Lozada Pereira 6.Chief of Administrative and Financial Affairs Lic. Angel Durán Jiménez 7.President of Committee of Deans Dra. Teresa Rescala Nemtala

3 Committee of Areas umsalud electronic engineer umsanetconsultants nationalinternational dipgis umsa

4 Implementation of a unique informatic system to University Mayor of Saint Andreas Streghtening of the research thanks to development of internal and external comunication To up the academic level in undergraduate and postgraduate studies To give efficience and fast to administrative process To up the financial process To reach a level of modernity in the comunications Streghtening the TV Channel of UMSA

5 dipgis umsa Administrative basin Efficiency Efficacy Financial basin Velocity Racionality Academic basin Undergraduate studies Postgraduate studies Virtual Classroom Research basin Internet Interdisciplinarity

6 activities umsa dipgis Participation of Committee of Areas in Internacional Meetings 5th International Conference on Politics, Technology and Innovation Delft, Holanda 26-29, June of 2001 2 people International Conference on Teaching, Training and new Technologies Madrid, España 27-29, June of 2001 2 people Etics in the society of the information and comunication Valencia, España 12-14, September of 2001 2 people Technological innovation in the economy of knowledge. ALTEC 2001 San José, Costa Rica 17-19, October of 2001 3 people

7 umsa dipgis Tour of protocol, knowledge and negotiation Tour of protocol, knowledge and negotiation People: * Dr. Gonzalo Taboada López (Rector) * Lic. Angel Durán Jiménez (Chief of Administrative and Financial Afairs) * Eng. Javier Lucero Bilbao la Vieja (Dean of Technological Area) La Paz – Lund – Copenhague – Stockholm – Lund – La Paz 16th, June – 23th, July of 2001 People: Participation in 5th Conference of Delft Dr. Fernando Cajías de la Vega (Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities Area) * Dr. Guido Zambrana (Dean of Healt Area) La Paz – Managua – Delft – La Paz 20th, June – 29th, June of 2001 People: Participation in Conference of Madrid * M.Sc. Blithz Lozada Pereira (Chief of DIPGIS) * Dra. Teresa Rescala Nemtala (President of Committee of Deans) La Paz – Dar–es– Salaam - Madrid – La Paz 16th, June – 29th, June of 2001 First Group Second Group Third Group

8 JuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.Nov. NATIONAL EXPERTS Arquitechtonical diagnosis (2 people) Reports on implementation of informatic Systems (2 people) Reports on networks working (1 person) Data bases (2 people) INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS Delft (1 person) Lund (3 people) dipgisumsa tasks

9 dipgis umsa May: Convoke to national consultancies. Selection of the candidates. June: Tour of protocol, knowledge and negotiation. Participation in two international meetings (Delft and Madrid). To start the work of consultancies. July: All consultancies are working. To start the orientation from international consultants. August: Workshop to organization with international consultants. All technical activities are defined. September: Participation in international meeting (Valencia). It is continuing the work of national consultants. October: Presentation of reports from national consultants. The reports are send to Lund and Delft. Participation in international meeting (San José). November: Workshop with international consultants to define the basic lines of the Master Plan and the document on Politicy of IT. December: To send two documents to Mr. Afzal Sher to get the approbation of the Project.

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