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Energy control and user impatience Daniel Mosse. Power Model CPUs can vary frequency and voltage, screen brightness, etc. The strategy is: if there is.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy control and user impatience Daniel Mosse. Power Model CPUs can vary frequency and voltage, screen brightness, etc. The strategy is: if there is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy control and user impatience Daniel Mosse

2 Power Model CPUs can vary frequency and voltage, screen brightness, etc. The strategy is: if there is time, slow down processor to save energy (and it does!) How much, then, can we slow down tasks? Can we dim the screen to save energy? Can we slow down the network to save energy? Anything else?

3 User Impatience A smart phone runs several applications at a time When running the applications, not all compute power of the CPUs is needed A smart software platform (SSP) will decrease the CPU frequency to save energy, dim the screen, slowdown the network, etc. An impatient user will yell or shake the smart phone (input to the phone that it needs to improve) SSP logs the user interactions and create user profiles The SSP will then increase the frequency to make users happy again

4 User Impatience (II) The SSP you’ll build keeps track of The mix of applications running The screen brightness and/or CPU frequency at which the user is happy The rate of impatience demonstrations Stats about CPU frequency (increase/decrease) The SSP adjusts the frequency to maximize user happiness More battery life Less complaints (impatience demonstrations)

5 3 areas of projects 1. User interface: creating/testing interfaces, developing/porting existing system to Android Framework, creating graphs that are user friendly. 2. System support: android support, creating efficient data stores (DBs), making data available to others, etc. 3. Machine learning: how to mine the data and learn user behavior wrt phone: how much and how often to increase/decrease frequency, how to predict user impatience, how to avoid user becoming impatience!!

6 Student Profile Highly INDEPENDENT Need to know (or want to learn) Android and perhaps Android kernel programming Need HPT (High Pain Threshold) Need to test extensively and automatically (not manual testing)

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