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Teenage Stress “I’m So Stressed”
40% !!!!!!!! of ALL Teenagers say they experience mild or severe stress in their life It’s how they handle the stress that will determine how healthy they are
The following are events that occur in the life of a college student. Place a check in the left-hand column for each of those events that has happened to you during the last 12 months. ___ Death of a close family member points ____ Jail term - 80 points ____ Final year or first year in college - 63 points ____ Pregnancy (to you or caused by your) - 60 points ____ Severe personal illness or injury - 53 points ____ Marriage - 50 points ____ Any interpersonal problems - 45 points ____ Financial difficulties - 40 points ____ Death of a close friend - 40 points ____ Arguments with your roommate (more than every other day) - 40 points ____ Major disagreements with your family - 40 points’ ____ Major change in personal habits - 30 points ____ Change in living environment - 30 points ____ Beginning or ending a job - 30 points ____Problems with your boss or professor - 25 points ____ Outstanding personal achievement - 25 points ____ Failure in some course - 25 points ____ Final exams - 20 points ____ Increased or decreased dating - 20 points ____ Changes in working conditions - 20 points ____ Change in your major ____ Change in your sleeping habits - 18 points ____ Several-day vacation - 15 points ____ Change in eating habits - 15 points ____ Family reunion - 15 points ____ Change in recreational activities - 15 points ____ Minor illness or injury - 15 points ____ Minor violations of the law - 11 points Score: _________________
Less than 150 points : relatively low stress level in relation to life events points : borderline range Greater than 300 points : high stress in relation to life events Note: From Girdano, D.A., Everly, G. S., Jr., & Dusek, D. E. (1990). Controlling stress and tension (3rd edition), ENnglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Stress – Clip
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is your mind and body’s response or reaction to a real or imagined threat, event or change. The threat, event or change are commonly called stressors. Stressors can be internal (thoughts, beliefs, attitudes or external (loss, tragedy, change). May feel tension, frustration, worry, sadness, or withdrawal
Identifying Stressors
Situations that make you feel stress are called stressors Not everyone reacts the same way to the same stressors Recognizing what stressors make you experience stress is the first step in controlling your stress ACTIVITY: Take a moment to think about what type of day you have had? How many stressors – mild or major have you encountered today?
EUSTRESS Eustress or positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished.
DISTRESS Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.
Symptoms could be: Physical such as headaches or upset stomach Changes in sleep or eating patterns You need to learn the ways in which your body signals you that you are experiencing stress, so that you can recognize it and deal with it before it makes you ill ACTIVITY What signals does your body send you that you are under stress?
Stages of Stress Alarm Stage Resistance Stage Exhaustion Stage
1. ALARM STAGE As you begin to experience a stressful event or perceive something to be stressful psychological changes occur in your body. This experience or perception disrupts your body’s normal balance and immediately your body begins to respond to the stressor(s) as effectively as possible.
EXAMPLES Cardiac - increased heart rate
Respiratory - increased respiration Skin - decreased temperature Hormonal - increased stimulation of adrenal genes which produce an adrenal rush.
2. RESISTANCE STAGE During this stage your body tries to cope or adapt to the stressors by beginning a process of repairing any damage the stressor has caused. Your friends, family or co-workers may notice changes in you before you do so it is important to examine their feedback to make sure you do not reach overload.
EXAMPLES Behavior indicators include: lack of enthusiasm for family, school, work or life in general, withdrawal, change in eating habits, insomnia, hypersomnia, anger, fatigue. Cognitive Indicators include: poor problem solving, confusion, nightmares, hyper-vigilance.
Emotional indicators include: tearfulness fear anxiety panic guilt agitation depression overwhelmed.
3. EXHAUSTION STAGE During this stage the stressor is not being managed effectively and the body and mind are not able to repair the damage.
EXAMPLES Digestive disorders, withdrawal, headaches, tension, insomnia, loss of temper, skin disorders etc..
Who Causes us stress ? Parents Teachers Coaches Brothers/Sisters
Friends Oneself Environment Others???
Many times when we experience stress, we don’t stop to think about how we handle it. We respond to stress based on habits and patterns that we have developed over time Some habits are healthy, and others are unhealthy ACTIVITY Identify an unhealthy response to stress. Think of a stressful situation in which you respond with this negative habit. Think of a healthier alternative to handle this stressor! Remember, no matter how stressful the situation, take your time, realise you have a choice and choose to make stress response that is productive, healthy and ends well
How do most teenagers escape stress?
Listen to Music Talk to Friends/Family Watch Television Physical Activity Yoga Meditation/Relaxation Breathing Seek Solutions…….Do You? Seek Support
“I’m really depressed”
Depression is more severe than stress and it lasts longer (at least 2-3 weeks) Feel hopeless Feel sad Feel alone Worry Withdrawal (from your friends and family) 21 days
How do teenagers escape depression?
Become indifferent-avoid people Exhibit anger at those around them Become aggressive, yell, fight, complain Drink Smoke Sleep Cry Attempt suicide
Stressed/Depressed Where do you go?
Teachers Pastor Physician Coach Relatives Parents Friends
Feeling good about yourselves can be an effective buffer against stress. Eliminate unnecessary worries. PHYSICAL 1. Relax neck and shoulders 2. Take a stretch 3. Get a massage 4. Exercise GET MENTAL 5. Count to 10 6. Control your thoughts 7. Fantasize 8. Congratulate yourself 9. Ignore the problem if appropriate, after evaluation 10. Perform self maintenance 11. Talk to a counselor GET SPIRITUAL 12. Meditate 13. Pray 14. Remember your purpose USE YOUR BODY AND MIND TOGETHER 15. Take a break 16. Get hug therapy 17. Try progressive relaxation 18. Try yoga 19. Try aroma therapy 20. Laugh DEVELOP NEW SKILLS 21. Prioritize daily tasks 22. Learn something 23. Practice a hobby
There are 3 types of conflict Internal Conflict – conflict within yourself Interpersonal – conflict between two people Inter-group – conflict between members of one group and another group
Avoidance Confrontation Resolution Avoidance Confrontation Resolution Cry Quit Pout Back stab Give in Deny Use humour Stop speaking to person ? Yell Fight Accuse Talk Get a mediator Compromise Share ideas
USING “I” STATEMENTS I feel… (state the feeling)
When you…(state the person’s behavior) Because…(state the effect it has on you) I want…(state what you want to happen) (ie) I feel hurt and angry… when you tell other people something I told you in confidence… because it is embarrassing and it made other people angry with me… I want you to promise that when I tell you something in confidence that you will not tell a single person.”
Factors That Effect Resiliency
Being a Resilient Teen What is resiliency? Resiliency: is the ability to recover from disappointment, difficulty, or a crisis. Factors That Effect Resiliency External factors: include your family, your school or community, and your peers. Internal factors: are the ones you have control over. Positive values: demonstrate positive values through your words and actions. Social dependency: you have empathy and friendship skills. It also means you can resist negative peer pressure and resolve conflicts nonviolently. Positive identity: indicates positive self-esteem and a sense of purpose.
Resiliency Simplified…
Recognize your symptoms of stress Use relaxation techniques Exercise Time management Watch your diet Get enough sleep and rest Help others Take time outs – vacations, mental breaks Give in occasionally Tackle one thing at a time Don’t try to be perfect Have some fun – laugh lots and enjoy life!
How to be Resilient… Get Together Talk with your friends and, yes, even with your parents. Understand that your parents may have more life experience than you do, even if it seems they never were your age. Cut Yourself Some Slack When something bad happens in your life, the stresses of whatever you're going through may heighten daily stresses. Your emotions might already be all over the map because of hormones and physical changes; be prepared for this and go a little easy on yourself, and on your friends. Create A Hassle-Free Zone Make your room or apartment a "hassle-free zone" - not that you keep everyone out, but home should be a haven free from stress and anxieties. Stick To The Program During a time of major stress, map out a routine and stick to it. You may be doing all kinds of new things, but don't forget the routines that give you comfort. Take Care Of Yourself Be sure to take of yourself - physically, mentally and spiritually. And get sleep. If you don't, you may be more grouchy and nervous at a time when you have to stay sharp.
Resiliency cont… Take Control Bad times make us feel out of control - grab some of that control back by taking decisive action. Express Yourself Tragedy can bring up a bunch of conflicting emotions, but sometimes, it's just too hard to talk to someone about what you're feeling. If talking isn't working, do something else to capture your emotions like start a journal, or create art. Help Somebody Nothing gets your mind off your own problems like solving someone else's. Try volunteering in your community or at your school, cleaning-up around the house or apartment, or helping a friend with his or her homework. Put Things In Perspective The very thing that has you stressed out may be all anyone is talking about now. But eventually, things change and bad times end. Learn some relaxation techniques, whether it's thinking of a particular song in times of stress, or just taking a deep breath to calm down. When you talk about bad times, make sure you talk about good times as well. You can learn resilience. But just because you learn resilience doesn't mean you won't feel stressed or anxious. You might have times when you aren't happy - and that's OK. Resilience is a journey, and each person will take his or her own time along the way. Resilience can help you be one of the people who've "got bounce."
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