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SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19. 2. Conventions.

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Presentation on theme: "SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19. 2. Conventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19. 2. Conventions of Usage 13-15. 3. Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15. 4. Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus 16-19 5. Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy 16-19 Success Criteria – I will know I am successful if I know that two independent clauses need to be joined by a comma and conjunction, or, in some instances, a semi-colon. “9 th Grade English” CPW

2 9 th Grade English #1.My mom is wild and crazy about chores. For instance, while other moms might plead threaten, or yell to get chores done, our mom turns everything into a game. A. NO CHANGE B. plead, threaten, or yell C. plead threaten or yell, D. plead, threaten or, yell

3 9 th Grade English #2.Since we were little, she used to dance around in the new clean clothing. The clothing clinged to her due to the static of the dryer. A. NO CHANGE B. has clinged C. has clung D. clung

4 9 th Grade English #3.She would dance for awhile we were expected to put the clothing away afterwards. A. NO CHANGE B. we C. awhile, and we D. awhile

5 9 th Grade English #4.We would put all of the clothing away and prepare to clean the kitchen. My mother would help spray the countertops, and he would wipe them with paper towels. A. NO CHANGE B. him C. my brother D. the mailman

6 9 th Grade English #5.My overly elated and happy mother would time us to see who would clean the counters the fastest. When we finished, my mother would sing a joyful song to celebrate the end of our chores! A. NO CHANGE B. elated C. elated and joyful D. joyful and happy

7 CPW 9 th Grade English Exchange your answer sheet with that of another squad… Launch the PDF.

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