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2013 Geographic Distribution of Arkansas Farm Cash Receipts.

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1 2013 Geographic Distribution of Arkansas Farm Cash Receipts

2 Carter Dunn Cooperative Extension Service Little Rock, AR and Archie Flanders Northeast Research and Extension Center Keiser, AR July 2014







9 Table I. Total Cash Receipts from Crops and Livestock & Products, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Arkansas, AR272,836Lee, AR181,781 Ashley, AR105,466Lincoln, AR216,479 Baxter, AR24,688Little River, AR80,278 Benton, AR462,689Logan, AR152,417 Boone, AR138,574Lonoke, AR221,571 Bradley, AR33,492Madison, AR173,187 Calhoun, AR3,834Marion, AR40,912 Carroll, AR282,554Miller, AR73,079 Chicot, AR207,142Mississippi, AR284,396 Clark, AR20,882Monroe, AR147,405 Clay, AR220,464Montgomery, AR54,415 Cleburne, AR63,804Nevada, AR52,683 Cleveland, AR151,167Newton, AR24,014 Columbia, AR49,964Ouachita, AR18,549 Conway, AR156,209Perry, AR38,006 Craighead, AR236,846Phillips, AR276,231 Crawford, AR67,304Pike, AR117,935 Crittenden, AR175,142Poinsett, AR226,692 Cross, AR171,508Polk, AR149,539 Dallas, AR2,229Pope, AR161,898 Desha, AR229,609Prairie, AR166,833 Drew, AR84,282Pulaski, AR36,557 Faulkner, AR25,298Randolph, AR85,886 Franklin, AR125,673Saline, AR7,128 Fulton, AR40,249Scott, AR118,540 Garland, AR15,068Searcy, AR18,450 Grant, AR25,842Sebastian, AR73,526 Greene, AR190,188Sevier, AR161,721 Hempstead, AR183,350Sharp, AR65,851 Hot Spring, AR19,524St. Francis, AR148,723 Howard, AR214,364Stone, AR55,809 Independence, AR150,916Union, AR76,588 Izard, AR49,097Van Buren, AR20,250 Jackson, AR160,569Washington, AR449,408 Jefferson, AR215,160White, AR151,033 Johnson, AR143,582Woodruff, AR145,067 Lafayette, AR109,120Yell, AR173,777 Lawrence, AR144,170Arkansas9,619,469

10 Table 2. Total Cash Receipts from Livestock & Products, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Arkansas, AR773Lee, AR1,332 Ashley, AR6,756Lincoln, AR117,553 Baxter, AR23,815Little River, AR65,401 Benton, AR453,094Logan, AR149,431 Boone, AR135,957Lonoke, AR27,778 Bradley, AR27,418Madison, AR169,703 Calhoun, AR2,365Marion, AR40,000 Carroll, AR279,493Miller, AR33,759 Chicot, AR28,106Mississippi, AR820 Clark, AR18,034Monroe, AR2,229 Clay, AR3,396Montgomery, AR52,848 Cleburne, AR61,468Nevada, AR50,823 Cleveland, AR150,630Newton, AR22,698 Columbia, AR39,180Ouachita, AR16,579 Conway, AR142,555Perry, AR30,223 Craighead, AR7,851Phillips, AR739 Crawford, AR56,543Pike, AR116,834 Crittenden, AR305Poinsett, AR983 Cross, AR1,280Polk, AR147,056 Dallas, AR1,938Pope, AR156,837 Desha, AR2,639Prairie, AR5,070 Drew, AR21,455Pulaski, AR10,352 Faulkner, AR18,633Randolph, AR28,409 Franklin, AR122,429Saline, AR3,390 Fulton, AR39,354Scott, AR116,413 Garland, AR12,777Searcy, AR17,410 Grant, AR24,281Sebastian, AR71,464 Greene, AR8,233Sevier, AR160,486 Hempstead, AR177,671Sharp, AR64,671 Hot Spring, AR17,283St. Francis, AR2,285 Howard, AR212,052Stone, AR54,403 Independence, AR122,855Union, AR75,323 Izard, AR47,465Van Buren, AR18,417 Jackson, AR4,881Washington, AR439,021 Jefferson, AR19,160White, AR100,176 Johnson, AR140,572Woodruff, AR2,056 Lafayette, AR83,548Yell, AR167,559 Lawrence, AR28,197Arkansas5,084,973

11 Table 3. Total Cash Receipts from Crops, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Arkansas, AR272,063Lee, AR180,449 Ashley, AR98,710Lincoln, AR98,926 Baxter, AR873Little River, AR14,877 Benton, AR9,595Logan, AR2,986 Boone, AR2,617Lonoke, AR193,793 Bradley, AR6,074Madison, AR3,484 Calhoun, AR1,469Marion, AR912 Carroll, AR3,061Miller, AR39,320 Chicot, AR179,036Mississippi, AR283,576 Clark, AR2,848Monroe, AR145,176 Clay, AR217,068Montgomery, AR1,567 Cleburne, AR2,336Nevada, AR1,860 Cleveland, AR537Newton, AR1,316 Columbia, AR10,784Ouachita, AR1,970 Conway, AR13,654Perry, AR7,783 Craighead, AR228,995Phillips, AR275,492 Crawford, AR10,761Pike, AR1,101 Crittenden, AR174,837Poinsett, AR225,709 Cross, AR170,228Polk, AR2,483 Dallas, AR291Pope, AR5,061 Desha, AR226,970Prairie, AR161,763 Drew, AR62,827Pulaski, AR26,205 Faulkner, AR6,665Randolph, AR57,477 Franklin, AR3,244Saline, AR3,738 Fulton, AR895Scott, AR2,127 Garland, AR2,291Searcy, AR1,040 Grant, AR1,561Sebastian, AR2,062 Greene, AR181,955Sevier, AR1,235 Hempstead, AR5,679Sharp, AR1,180 Hot Spring, AR2,241St. Francis, AR146,438 Howard, AR2,312Stone, AR1,406 Independence, AR28,061Union, AR1,265 Izard, AR1,632Van Buren, AR1,833 Jackson, AR155,688Washington, AR10,387 Jefferson, AR196,000White, AR50,857 Johnson, AR3,010Woodruff, AR143,011 Lafayette, AR25,572Yell, AR6,218 Lawrence, AR115,973Arkansas4,534,496

12 Table 4. Total Cash Receipts from Crops and Livestock & Products, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Benton, AR462,689Franklin, AR125,673 Washington, AR449,408Scott, AR118,540 Mississippi, AR284,396Pike, AR117,935 Carroll, AR282,554Lafayette, AR109,120 Phillips, AR276,231Ashley, AR105,466 Arkansas, AR272,836Randolph, AR85,886 Craighead, AR236,846Drew, AR84,282 Desha, AR229,609Little River, AR80,278 Poinsett, AR226,692Union, AR76,588 Lonoke, AR221,571Sebastian, AR73,526 Clay, AR220,464Miller, AR73,079 Lincoln, AR216,479Crawford, AR67,304 Jefferson, AR215,160Sharp, AR65,851 Howard, AR214,364Cleburne, AR63,804 Chicot, AR207,142Stone, AR55,809 Greene, AR190,188Montgomery, AR54,415 Hempstead, AR183,350Nevada, AR52,683 Lee, AR181,781Columbia, AR49,964 Crittenden, AR175,142Izard, AR49,097 Yell, AR173,777Marion, AR40,912 Madison, AR173,187Fulton, AR40,249 Cross, AR171,508Perry, AR38,006 Prairie, AR166,833Pulaski, AR36,557 Pope, AR161,898Bradley, AR33,492 Sevier, AR161,721Grant, AR25,842 Jackson, AR160,569Faulkner, AR25,298 Conway, AR156,209Baxter, AR24,688 Logan, AR152,417Newton, AR24,014 Cleveland, AR151,167Clark, AR20,882 White, AR151,033Van Buren, AR20,250 Independence, AR150,916Hot Spring, AR19,524 Polk, AR149,539Ouachita, AR18,549 St. Francis, AR148,723Searcy, AR18,450 Monroe, AR147,405Garland, AR15,068 Woodruff, AR145,067Saline, AR7,128 Lawrence, AR144,170Calhoun, AR3,834 Johnson, AR143,582Dallas, AR2,229 Boone, AR138,574Arkansas9,619,469

13 Table 5. Total Cash Receipts from Livestock & Products, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Benton, AR453,094Lawrence, AR28,197 Washington, AR439,021Chicot, AR28,106 Carroll, AR279,493Lonoke, AR27,778 Howard, AR212,052Bradley, AR27,418 Hempstead, AR177,671Grant, AR24,281 Madison, AR169,703Baxter, AR23,815 Yell, AR167,559Newton, AR22,698 Sevier, AR160,486Drew, AR21,455 Pope, AR156,837Jefferson, AR19,160 Cleveland, AR150,630Faulkner, AR18,633 Logan, AR149,431Van Buren, AR18,417 Polk, AR147,056Clark, AR18,034 Conway, AR142,555Searcy, AR17,410 Johnson, AR140,572Hot Spring, AR17,283 Boone, AR135,957Ouachita, AR16,579 Independence, AR122,855Garland, AR12,777 Franklin, AR122,429Pulaski, AR10,352 Lincoln, AR117,553Greene, AR8,233 Pike, AR116,834Craighead, AR7,851 Scott, AR116,413Ashley, AR6,756 White, AR100,176Prairie, AR5,070 Lafayette, AR83,548Jackson, AR4,881 Union, AR75,323Clay, AR3,396 Sebastian, AR71,464Saline, AR3,390 Little River, AR65,401Desha, AR2,639 Sharp, AR64,671Calhoun, AR2,365 Cleburne, AR61,468St. Francis, AR2,285 Crawford, AR56,543Monroe, AR2,229 Stone, AR54,403Woodruff, AR2,056 Montgomery, AR52,848Dallas, AR1,938 Nevada, AR50,823Lee, AR1,332 Izard, AR47,465Cross, AR1,280 Marion, AR40,000Poinsett, AR983 Fulton, AR39,354Mississippi, AR820 Columbia, AR39,180Arkansas, AR773 Miller, AR33,759Phillips, AR739 Perry, AR30,223Crittenden, AR305 Randolph, AR28,409Arkansas5,084,973

14 Table 6. Total Cash Receipts from Crops, Arkansas Counties, 2012 (thousand $) Mississippi, AR283,576Bradley, AR 6,074 Phillips, AR275,492Hempstead, AR 5,679 Arkansas, AR272,063Pope, AR 5,061 Craighead, AR228,995Saline, AR 3,738 Desha, AR226,970Madison, AR 3,484 Poinsett, AR225,709Franklin, AR 3,244 Clay, AR217,068Carroll, AR 3,061 Jefferson, AR196,000Johnson, AR 3,010 Lonoke, AR193,793Logan, AR 2,986 Greene, AR181,955Clark, AR 2,848 Lee, AR180,449Boone, AR 2,617 Chicot, AR179,036Polk, AR 2,483 Crittenden, AR174,837Cleburne, AR 2,336 Cross, AR170,228Howard, AR 2,312 Prairie, AR161,763Garland, AR 2,291 Jackson, AR155,688Hot Spring, AR 2,241 St. Francis, AR146,438Scott, AR 2,127 Monroe, AR145,176Sebastian, AR 2,062 Woodruff, AR143,011Ouachita, AR 1,970 Lawrence, AR115,973Nevada, AR 1,860 Lincoln, AR98,926Van Buren, AR 1,833 Ashley, AR98,710Izard, AR 1,632 Drew, AR62,827Montgomery, AR 1,567 Randolph, AR57,477Grant, AR 1,561 White, AR50,857Calhoun, AR 1,469 Miller, AR39,320Stone, AR 1,406 Independence, AR28,061Newton, AR 1,316 Pulaski, AR26,205Union, AR 1,265 Lafayette, AR25,572Sevier, AR 1,235 Little River, AR14,877Sharp, AR 1,180 Conway, AR13,654Pike, AR 1,101 Columbia, AR10,784Searcy, AR 1,040 Crawford, AR10,761Marion, AR 912 Washington, AR10,387Fulton, AR 895 Benton, AR9,595Baxter, AR 873 Perry, AR7,783Cleveland, AR 537 Faulkner, AR6,665Dallas, AR 291 Yell, AR6,218Arkansas4,534,496

15 References U.S. Department of Commerce-Bureau of Economic Analysis (USDOC, BEA). “Farm Income and Expenses (CA45).” Internet Site: n=5#reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1&7028=-1&7040=- 1&7031=05000&7025=4&7022=14&7023=7&7024=non- industry&7083=levels&7026=xx&7027=2012&7001=714&7029=1 4&7090=70&7033=-1 (Accessed April 2014).

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