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January 28 Bell work Think of a time you took a long trip by car or bus. What was the purpose of the trip? How did you pass the time? What affected you.

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Presentation on theme: "January 28 Bell work Think of a time you took a long trip by car or bus. What was the purpose of the trip? How did you pass the time? What affected you."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 28 Bell work Think of a time you took a long trip by car or bus. What was the purpose of the trip? How did you pass the time? What affected you most during the journey?

2 January 29 Part One What is figurative language? What is a simile? What is a metaphor? What is personification?

3 Definitions Chapters 1-11 Diabolic—adj. fiendish; wicked Divulge- v. to make known, especially something secret Gullible adj. easily fooled Huzza-interj. Used to express joy Primly-adv. Excessively precisely or properly Roost-v to perch or settle, especially for the night Shrapnel n. fragments from exploding shell or bomb Flinch v. to draw back, as from something painful or unpleasant Diabolic—adj. fiendish; wicked Divulge- v. to make known, especially something secret Gullible adj. easily fooled Huzza-interj. Used to express joy Primly-adv. Excessively precisely or properly Roost-v to perch or settle, especially for the night Shrapnel n. fragments from exploding shell or bomb Flinch v. to draw back, as from something painful or unpleasant

4 Wednesday January 30 Walk Two Moons is filled with figurative language. Copy the following into your notes, you will need these to study and complete activities throughout the novel. Simile—a comparison of two unlike things using like or as Metaphor--a comparison of two unlike things not using like or as Personification-giving human characteristics to non- human objects

5 Matching—Wednesday, Jan. 30 Simile Metaphor Personification 1. The trees whispered, rush, rush. 2. You are a goose. 3.She was as silly as a goose. 4.He was a stubborn mule. 5.The city was asleep. Part Two: Name five characters from the novel. Who do you think is the most interesting? Why?

6 January 31—Thursday Bell work Take out the vocabulary sheet from yesterday. 1.A soldier in a war may find ___________ after an explosion. 2.Someone who gossips may _________ secrets. 3.Someone may yell __________ if they won the lottery. 4.Someone who is __________ may believe the world is flat. 5.A bird will often ____________ at night. 6.A villain can be described as _____________. 7.Before you get hit you may ____________. 8.The Queen of England ____________ drank tea.

7 Friday, February 1 Write an original simile for: Sal Phoebe Gram Write an original metaphor for: Dad Mrs. Winterbottom

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