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LEVEL 3 Lesson #37: Christmas 10 – 15 Minute. Lesson #37: Christmas.

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1 LEVEL 3 Lesson #37: Christmas 10 – 15 Minute

2 Lesson #37: Christmas

3 Questions Here are the questions we will be asking in this conversation: Fill in the blank Ideas and thoughts Sequence General

4 Question: What is this a picture of? Describe.

5 Question: What do you like best about Christmas?

6 Question: What is this a picture of? Describe.

7 Question: Do you put up a Christmas tree during Christmas? Describe your tree or decoration.

8 Question: Do you exchange presents? What do you want for Christmas?

9 Question: What is this a picture of? Describe.

10 Question: Do you have Christmas dinner? Family or Friends?

11 Question: What is this a picture of? Describe.

12 Question: Do you decorate your house?

13 Question: Who is this? Describe the picture.

14 Question: What is this a picture of? Describe.

15 Question: Do you know who Rudolph the Reindeer is? Describe him.

16 Question: Fill in the Blank 1. I ______ of a white Christmas. a. dream b. yell c. talk d. dance 2. I ______ many gifts this year for Christmas. a. believed b. received c. played d. dropped 3. I look ______ to Christmas dinner every year. a. down b. over c. behind d. forward 4. Christmas is the most ______ time of the year. a. scary b. dry c. wonderful d. slippery

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