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Eat the Frog Learning Experience 7. VIA – Values in Action  Enjoy laughter and making people laugh.  See the lighter side of life. “Nice to be here?

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Presentation on theme: "Eat the Frog Learning Experience 7. VIA – Values in Action  Enjoy laughter and making people laugh.  See the lighter side of life. “Nice to be here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eat the Frog Learning Experience 7

2 VIA – Values in Action  Enjoy laughter and making people laugh.  See the lighter side of life. “Nice to be here? At my age it’s nice to be anywhere.” – George Burns

3 “Eat the Frog” is about being in the Stretch Zone  Learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.  “ Eat the Frog” is both a concept & tool that is used to move out of the Danger-Comfort & Dead Zone and into the Stretch Zone.  People who are served by the DD system need us to “Eat the Frog” so that barriers can be overcome, creating pathways to an improved quality of life.

4 Tips for Dealing with Confrontations  Use the “I” phrase o This helps you avoid placing blame on the offending person and making them go immediately on the defensive. o Using statements about yourself helps you to begin the confrontation by taking some of the responsibility so you're better able to communicate the problem.

5 Tips for Dealing with Confrontations  Behavior Confrontation o It's important to remember that when you confront a person, you shouldn't confront and accuse him of bad character, only bad behavior. o Behavior can be easily changed, and bringing up poor performance or a lack of attention is much better received than calling a person's entire character into question.

6 Tips for Dealing with Confrontations  Agreement o Confrontation usually puts someone on the "hot seat," making him defend himself and feel hurt, angry and attacked. o Taking time to agree with the person you're confronting can help relax him and take him off of the defensive for more productive communication.

7 Tips for Dealing with Confrontations  Reasoning o Confrontation shouldn't only be about pointing out bad behavior in order to stop it. It also should involve reasoning and sound solutions that help your friend, family member or coworker reform the behavior that is causing the confrontation. o Think about possible solutions before you approach the offending party so you can offer suggestions instead of just critical comments about performance or behavior.

8 S ituation O ptions D isadvantages A dvantages S olution PROBLEM SOLVING

9 Scenario One You are on the workshop floor, when one of the individuals you support has had a large bathroom accident. You witness a staff yell across the floor, “YOU PEED YOUR PANTS AGAIN!? Is it that hard to go into the restroom?” How would you eat the frog and approach your co-worker?

10 Scenario Two You are in a team meeting when the person you serve suggests that he would like to work in the community. His sister immediately says, “He is not allowed to work in the community. He needs to work in the sheltered workshop only.” How do you eat the frog and approach this situation?

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