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Gerardo Giordano (G.) Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physics R. Neill Johnson Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Gerardo Giordano (G.) Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physics R. Neill Johnson Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gerardo Giordano (G.) Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physics R. Neill Johnson Director, Penn State Learning Grading that Motivates Students and Improves Learning

2 What do we want to accomplish? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 2 Rethink exams as assignments Compare rubrics with test blueprints Use evaluation tools to cultivate judgment and motivation Add feedback to all significant performance measures See N. Johnson’s “Peer Review Checklist for Designing a Learning Activity and Grading Criteria”

3 What is a rubric? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 3 “heading, title” f. Middle English “rubrike” f. Old French “rubrique” f. Latin “rubrica” Meaning “red chalk” Hence, “rule or direction”; “comment or explanation [in margins]”; in ed. practice, “guide to evaluation/rating chart” American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4 th ed. Houghton Mifflin

4 What do grading rubrics do? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 4 Explain/analyze performance Help students prepare for measured performances (study or writing guides) Cultivate informed judgments Increase inter-rater reliability

5 What is a test blueprint? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 5 “List of key learning outcomes to be assessed on the test, with number of points or test questions … devoted to each goal”* See Figure 11* See S. van Hook’s “PHYS 250 Objectives” See Walvoord & Anderson, Effective Grading, 2 nd ed., pp. 54-55 *Middle States Commission on Higher Education. (2007). Student Learning Assessment: Options and Resources, 2 nd ed., pp. 47, 50.

6 Exercise 1 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 6 You’re a student in PHYS 250 Just received “MT1 Evaluation by Topic” Exams are cumulative MT1 addresses objectives 2-12 MT2 in 3 weeks, adding obj’s 13-25 1. How will you re-study obj’s 2-12? 2. Re-learn vs. review, and in what order?

7 How did you do on MT1? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 7 What do you think? How do you feel? What if the feedback was only “12/20”? What if it was only “60, D”? How about “75, based on 45 class ave.”? What’s the difference? Does the next exam feel like an assignment?

8 Rubrics for other assignments 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 8 Homework—e.g., “How long would you have to yell to heat a cup of coffee?” Provides a guide for students Allows application of instructor judgment Helps students focus on trouble areas Makes feedback quick and easy

9 Exercise 2 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 9 You’re a TA for a PHYS 211 lab The PIC has asked you to test the rubric for a lab report on the simple harmonic motion of a linear oscillator 1. Using rubric provided, rate the sample lab conclusions individually 2. Compare ratings in small groups and see if you can reach consensus

10 Is this rubric motivating? Does it… 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 10 Tell you how to write lab conclusions? Convey high standards? Make the job seem doable? Interesting? Fun? Build confidence? Tell you anything about the instructor? Convey clear judgment? Emphasize learning?

11 Questions?/Good Examples? 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 11

12 For further reference 3/29/2011 Workshop for STEM Teaching & Learning Group 12 Middle States Commission on Higher Education. (2007). Student learning assessment: Options and resources, 2 nd ed. Philadelphia: MSCHE. Walvoord, B. E. & Anderson, V. J. (1998). Effective grading: A tool for teaching and assessment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Walvoord, B. E. & Anderson, V. J. (2010). Effective grading: A tool for teaching and assessment in college, 2 nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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