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National Civic Education Campaign to Enhance the Constitutional Review Process 1.

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1 National Civic Education Campaign to Enhance the Constitutional Review Process 1

2  The main objective is to build citizens interest in the Constitutional Review Process and increase the understanding of the importance of the constitution to the daily lives of Sierra Leoneans  Provide translations of relevant themes [1.Judiciary], [2. Executive], [3. Legislative], [4. Fundamental Principles of State Policy] & [5. Local Government & other Ancillary Divisions of Government] of the 1991 Constitution into 5 Sierra Leonean languages (Krio, Kono Limba, Mende & Temne for accessibility  Create audio-visual recordings on these themes of the constitution  Support and Receive verbal or written submissions from citizens for onward transmission to the CRC in Sierra Leone  The main objective is to build citizens interest in the Constitutional Review Process and increase the understanding of the importance of the constitution to the daily lives of Sierra Leoneans  Provide translations of relevant themes [1.Judiciary], [2. Executive], [3. Legislative], [4. Fundamental Principles of State Policy] & [5. Local Government & other Ancillary Divisions of Government] of the 1991 Constitution into 5 Sierra Leonean languages (Krio, Kono Limba, Mende & Temne for accessibility  Create audio-visual recordings on these themes of the constitution  Support and Receive verbal or written submissions from citizens for onward transmission to the CRC in Sierra Leone 2

3  This project will be implemented on a national scale and will target the 50 constituencies in rural or remote parts the country. AREAS OF FOCUS (THEMES) Due to limited resources: time, funding, complexity of planning requirements, coordination considerations and other issues of bordering on efficiency, the NCD has selected a slice of concerns among multifaceted issues existing to be discussed with citizens. 3

4 Focus is made on 5 strategic areas of the 1991 Constitution  1. Judiciary  2.Executive  3.Legislative  4.Fundamental Principles of State Policy and Human Rights  5.Local Government and other Ancillary Divisions of Government 4

5 Focus is made on 5 strategic areas of the Constitution 1) To zoom focus on the relevant portions of the 1991 Constitution in five key themes [i] Judiciary, [ii] Executive, [iii] Legislature, [iv] Fundamental Principles of State policy and Human Rights, [v]Local Government and other Ancillary Division of Government] & translate them into the Sierra Leonean languages (Krio, Temne, Mende Limba & Kono) 2) Prepare video (snippets - bits & pieces) quotes on these areas with interpretation. Professionally recorded in collaboration with SLBC (–what the 1991 Constitution says literal meaning- interpretation, principles and objectives with possible lacunas etc). 5

6 3) Hold town hall meetings nationwide two per constituency in 50 rural communities to show video, followed by open sessions for discussions with room to solicit views 4) Use NCD outside broadcast (OB) van to do publicity for more participation from citizens. 5) Receive written or oral submissions from citizens for onward transmission to Constitutional Review Committee 6) Produce a final report with findings & recommendations which will be sent to the CRC 6

7  5 – days writers’ workshop  Print and distribute 4,000 copies of relevant portions of the thematic areas interpreted into the 5 Sierra Leonean Languages identified [Krio-1,500], [Mende- 800], [Temne-800], [Limba-600], [Kono-300 copies]  In close collaboration with SLBC, do joint production of 25 videos (5 per thematic area) on relevant constitutional issues identified and voicing these into the 5 Sierra Leonean Languages identified above 7

8  100 Town Hall Meetings in 50 constituencies nationwide.  100 Outreach sessions nationwide using NCD’s Outside Broadcast Van (2 per constituency) to promote awareness of civic responsibility and participation in CRP  Frequent monitoring and evaluation exercises to ensure the project reaches its outlined objectives 8

9  In this project the NCD will promote public awareness of the CRC’s work, increase public awareness of principles, objectives and specific entities in the present Constitution of Sierra Leone through the provision of a translation of relevant portions of the constitution to make it accessible to a wide range of Sierra Leoneans.  In a collaborative way the Commission will be working closely with media institutions to do outreach and radio programmes.  Widely disseminate the information and materials produced through the use of NCD open broadcast van to promote awareness with a view to ensuring maximum participation in the review process by all sectors of society 9

10  In order to make its messages visually appealing, the commission will prepare video snippets- bits and pieces from the constitution (with direct quotes, interpretation and possible lacunas) from a professional background, which will presented in town hall meetings conducted nationwide in 50 Constituencies to stimulate public debate followed by open sessions for discussions  During these activities NCD will support and receive verbal or written submissions from citizens for onward transmission to the CRC in Sierra Leone  Produce a final report which includes findings and recommendations for the CRC. 10

11  Thank you so much for your attention! 11

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