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Air Mobility Command Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! CCX Version 4-01-05 MAF C2 SYSTEMS Lt Col Scott Borchers HQ AMC/A6I.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Mobility Command Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! CCX Version 4-01-05 MAF C2 SYSTEMS Lt Col Scott Borchers HQ AMC/A6I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Mobility Command Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! CCX Version 4-01-05 MAF C2 SYSTEMS Lt Col Scott Borchers HQ AMC/A6I

2 2 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Overview What’s the Mobility Air Force Environment? The Big Picture of C2 In-Transit Visibility How are the C2 systems used, what do they do? Airborne Communications What’s next? Tomorrow’s Architecture

3 3 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! The AMC Environment PAKISTAN EARTHQUAKE RELIEF 551 SORTIES 2,209 PASSENGERS 6,339 TONS HURRICANE RELIEF 881 SORTIES 14,785 PASSENGERS 2,964 PATIENTS 5,676 TONS TSUNAMI RELIEF 375 SORTIES 2,937 PASSENGERS 3,873 TONS OIF/OEF 277,750 SORTIES 3,679,387 PASSENGERS 1,933,949 TONS Since 9/11 935,674 SORTIES 8.30M PASSENGERS 3.19M TONS OF CARGO 7.39B LBS (1.10B GAL) OF FUEL One Departure Every 90 Seconds, Every Day… 365 Days a Year! AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION 14,529 SORTIES 95,061 PT MOVEMENTS

4 4 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! MAF C2 / TAV BIG PICTURE Enabling Multiple COCOM Interoperability Consolidated Manifest and Movement Deploy/Mobile TACC/Units/AMD/Ports Joint/Other Agencies GCCS / JOPES GLOBAL GRID TPFDD Rqts AMC Support Rqts Mobility Requirements Execution Data Passenger/Cargo Manifest A/C Movement A/C MX Execution Execution Management Management Pre-departure Planning Missions Planning Mobility Requirements Flight Plans Schedules, Plans Mobile GDSS2 (S&F) Schedules, Plans Schedules Manifest Schedules & Movement Updates Passenger/ Cargo Manifest L-BAND / ACARS Remote GATES TPFDD / ETMS Data Theater Mission Flow Deployed CAMPS ACFP GO81 Flight Plans Execution Data Schedules, Movement Manifest Data CIVIL FINANCESYSTEMSFINANCESYSTEMS Manifest Data Port Management Port Management (Onward Movement) (Onward Movement) International

5 5 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System (CAMPS) Used by TACC COCOM A/R ACC To plan for Cargo Responsible Unit a/c type Departure & arrival time En-route stops Air refuel

6 6 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Advanced Computer Flight Planning (ACFP) Used by Sq TACC En-routes To Build Fuel/Cargo Optimized Flight Plans File w/ Civ authorities

7 7 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Global Decision Support System (GDSS) Used by Wing/Sq TACC En-routes To Source a/c and crew Pre-mission Edits Diplomatic Clearances Manage flight ops Weather “Battle Track” missions

8 8 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES) Used by Port Sq/Wing TACC To Process pax/cargo Provide ITV via GTN

9 9 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! The Past—Theater Isolation C2IPS ATO TBMCS THEATER A THEATER B THEATER C THEATER D AMD Within a given theater an AMD user could only: 1.Input/Update Strategic Mobility Missions 2.Obtain USMTF ATO Message

10 10 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Today—Global Visibility With SOA solution, AMD and TACC MAF user can, across multiple theaters: 1.Insert / Update Strategic and Theater Mobility missions 2. View Air Battle Plans (ATOs) in entering Execution 3. Obtain Situational Awareness info 4. Send/Receive Mission Execution Data GDSS CAMPS Mobility Enterprise Information Services THEATER A THEATER B THEATER C THEATER D AOC Information Services 618 AOC (TACC) AMD Unit Deployed All services supported under Air Operations Community of Interest

11 11 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! AMC Airborne Communications  Senior Leadership C3 Systems – Airborne Standardize passenger communications with same look and feel across the OSA/VIPSAM fleet OSA: Operational Support Aircraft VIPSAM: Very Important Person, Special Air Mission  Mobile Global Broadband Capability for Aircraft Traditionally provided by a single vendor AMC moving to a more open environment for this capability

12 12 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! What’s Next? Sustain/Transition existing systems Evaluate rqmts…measure gaps Continue services evolution Prioritize/fund/build services and capabilities Plan for the Enterprise

13 13 Unrivaled Global Reach for America…ALWAYS! Points of Contact AMC C2/ITV Programs: Lt Col Tracy Gray E-mail: Phone: (618) 229-6765 AMC Arch/Eng: Ms. Jo Brown-Leiker E-mail: Phone: (618) 779-5428 Senior Leadership C3 Airborne System: Mr. Mike Rulo E-mail: Phone: (618) 229-5884 Mobile Global Broadband: Mr. Mike Rulo E-mail: Phone: (618) 229-5884

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