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‘Bigger & Better’ Stoptober 2013 Private & Confidential: Not for onward circulation.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Bigger & Better’ Stoptober 2013 Private & Confidential: Not for onward circulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Bigger & Better’ Stoptober 2013 Private & Confidential: Not for onward circulation

2 Agenda Stoptober 2012: An overview Stoptober 2013: Bigger and Better –What bigger and better means –Partner collateral –What the ask is –What we can offer

3 Stoptober 2012 Overview

4 Stoptober – The Challenge Even when they want to quit, smokers don’t This is because quitting itself feels difficult Our campaign needs to make it feel easier Latest academic evidence tells us that you quit for 28 days you’re 5 x more likely to stay quit

5 ...aims to recreate the ‘magic’ January conditions of motivation, intention and social norming in October. Crucially, it also makes the quitting process easier than ever before by chunking it down to 28 days. Our marketing objective in Year One was to raise brand awareness and generate response.

6 What we achieved

7 Results Around 7/10 people had heard of Stoptober in its first year Campaign resonance was high 73% said the ads were aimed at 'people like me' and messages cut through well, particularly the 28 day message Reported quit attempts rose to 10% in October, a record high for our campaigns 3/4 people would recommend the Stoptober pack, online support and SMS to others and 6/10 would recommend the app (really encouraging given the technical difficulties we had) Stoptober tools prompted record quit attempt levels, with 85% having made a quit attempt and 61% lasting 4 weeks or more Six in 10 quit attempts started on 1 st October

8 The Stoptober Effect: UCL data also supports a rise in quit attempts in October 2012 Source: Smoking Toolkit Study, October 2012


10 Stoptober 2013 – Making it Bigger and Better

11 Stoptober 2013

12 The evolving role of our NHS network of partners Supporting StoptoberPart of Stoptober Recruitment Motivation Channel Integrating Badging Messenger Bigger & Better 2013 Engaging the NHS to proactively drive recruitment in September and motivation in October

13 Partner Collateral Physical toolkit –A3 Posters x 4 –A4 posters x 4 –Business cards x 50 –Dispensers x 1 –Badges x 4 –Activation brief x 1 Communications toolkit –Emails, bulletins, intranet and newsletter copy –Suggested Facebook posts and/or Twitter messages –Quotes from ministers, health experts and mentors –Briefing notes and key messages for your spokespeople –Case study guidance –Press release & photo call templates Digital toolkit –Stoptober badging device –Brand Guidelines –Email signatures –Screensaver as GIF and flash file –Web display banners (MPU and leaderboard) as GIF and flash files

14 What the ask is We would like dental practitioners across England to: –Signpost the campaign in their surgeries using the physical toolkit –Incorporate Stoptober into their health advice at the end of consultations where appropriate, in particular raising awareness of the Local Stop Smoking Service (using the Stoptober leaflet)

15 What we can offer Briefing sheet for dental practitioners with Stoptober key facts to know Bespoke copy for communication channels to dental teams and dental press Digital assets (such as web banners) for intranet sites Delivery of physical toolkits direct to dental surgeries (via the Stoptober telephone order line)

16 Key Milestones MilestoneDate Stoptober order lineLive now Digital and communications toolkitEarly August Despatch of physical toolkitsFrom 25 th August Bespoke brief sheet and copyEarly August (if required) Stoptober launches (recruitment phase)9 th September Stoptober goes live1 st October

17 Thank you Wendy Manuel 020 7843 5905 / 07880 382 403

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