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Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Mozambique, Gaps and Needs for Recovering, digitalizing and Managing Climate Records First meeting of the Steering Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Mozambique, Gaps and Needs for Recovering, digitalizing and Managing Climate Records First meeting of the Steering Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Mozambique, Gaps and Needs for Recovering, digitalizing and Managing Climate Records First meeting of the Steering Committee of INDARE Geneva, Switzerland 29 Sept- 01 oct. 2014 Berino Silinto INAM-Mozambique

2 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Outline: 1. Climate Data Records in Mozambique; 2. INAM Data Digitalisation project; 4. Challenges, Gaps and Needs.

3 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Climate Data Records in Mozambique INAM identified 3 main institutions collecting relevant climate data: INAM, DNA – National Water Directorate and IIAM – Agrarian Research Institute Apart from those institutions some private companies collect climate data, however these have not been systematically catalogued so the amount of data and quality is not known There are other 2 other institutions collecting ocean Data: INAHINA - National Institute of Hydrography and Navigation (INAHINA) and National Institute of Fishery Research (IIP) It collects ocean data, mainly with research vessels for fishery management.

4 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Historical Climate Database Recover Project (HCIDR) Historical Climate Data Archived at INAM

5 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia INAM Data Digitalisation projects Data D igitalization process started in 1989 under the WMO CLICOM project, from the period of 1951 onward not for all met parameters; HCIDARE project In 2009, INAM rescued and digitized archived records in paper for the period prior to 1951 of 105 weather stations under a new 6 months project under CCDARE a joint UNEP/UNDP Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa). In 2010 this was continued and also were digitized the remaining archives from 1951 to 2012 under the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) funded by UNDP

6 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia INAM Data Digitalisation projects cont. The digitalised data have significant number of gaps, missing data and a more scientific quality control is needed. Due to lack of expertize, INAM hired a consultant to produce gridded daily rainfall data based on 234 Mozambique stations (1951-2012), as primary predictor and MERRA (1979-2012) as the secondary using Cressman Methodology under funding of Danish and Mozambican Governments

7 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Challenges, Gaps and Needs Mozambique have digitized mostof its historical climatic records from 1900 to 2012 of main meteorological parameters. Have produced gridded data of daily Rainfall 1951-2012 0.16 o ~18Km Have produced gridded data of Tmax and Tmin 1979-2009 0.4 o ~44km We still have other archived records that needs to be inventoried, recovered and digitalized (Solar Radiation, Sunshine, Air pollution)

8 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Challenges, Gaps and Needs cont. Limited staff and financial capacity for climate data digitization that still in paper at INAM and other institutions custodian of climate data; QC activities, as follow up of the parallel session B Maputo technical workshop are being undertaken but this is limited to prec. and temp data. INAM needs technical guidance for QC of other parameters. INAM is still using CLICOM software to manage its climate data base. New tools, systems and software for data mangement and analysis are urgently needed.

9 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia

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