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But So Far…..  Definition of an organism-is any individual living thing. All organisms are made of one or more cells. -cells are the basic unit of life.

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Presentation on theme: "But So Far…..  Definition of an organism-is any individual living thing. All organisms are made of one or more cells. -cells are the basic unit of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 But So Far….

2  Definition of an organism-is any individual living thing. All organisms are made of one or more cells. -cells are the basic unit of life.

3  Genetic material passed from one generation to the next, -and how do we know this?

4  In addition to scientific testing of theories and shared knowledge, we can now see it. -a great enhancement to help support the cell theory. CELL THEORY-all organisms are made of cells, all cells are from other living cells, and the cell is the most basic unit of life.

5  With light comes life: phototrophs vs. heterotrophs  Photo—light+troph—how it gets its food or energy  So, green plants get their food from the light or sun (photo|trophs).

6  They have chlorophyll a green plant pigment which enables photosynthesis  in the cell organelle called the chloroplast

7  Herbivores versus carnivores  Plant eaters……or……meat eaters,  Or omnivores—eating both plants and meat (and chips, too),  More basics soon…now, review sheets, flashcards, notebooks and exit slip (Friday’s test is no notebooks allowed)



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