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18.2 The French Revolution Unfolds

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1 18.2 The French Revolution Unfolds

2 Quick Write Think of a time when you wanted to make a decision with lots of people. How did it go? Who was the most vocal? What ended up happening?

3 Introduction Historians put the French Revolution in four different phases: The Moderate Phase, : France turns into a constitutional monarchy. The Radical Phase, : Violence, end of the monarchy, the Reign of Terror. The Directory, : Reaction against extremism. The Age of Napoleon, : Consolidation of the revolutionary changes.

4 Political Crisis Leads to Revolt
What coincided with the political unrest that made people call for change even more? A famine, created more poor and unemployed. People spent 80% of their income on bread. What issues became known as “The Great Fear?” Rumors of attacks on villages and gov. troops seizing crops from peasants. Rural areas. How did peasants respond to the fear and rumors? Set fire to nobles (Second Estate) records and stole grain.

5 Political Crisis Leads to Revolt
Where was the heart of the French Revolution? Paris, because it was the capital. What are factions? Dissenting groups of people, here trying to gain power. Who was Marquis de Lafayette? Leader of the moderates. Fought with G. Washington. Headed the Nation Guard-first group to use the tricolor. What was the Paris Commune? A radical group that replaced the royalist gov. Could mobilize whole neighborhoods for protests and violent actions. Like many groups demanded an end to the monarchy.

6 The National Assembly Acts
What privileges did the national assembly give up? On August 4th, manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemption from taxes. What enlightenment goal did the National Assembly bring into reality on August 4th? The equality of all male citizens in the eyes of the law. What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? Modeled on the D.O.I Declared that all men were born with and are equal in their rights. All men had the right to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Gov. exists to protect the rights of the citizens.

7 The National Assembly Acts
What other rights did the D.O.T.R.M proclaim men had? Every Frenchman could hold office, Freedom of religion, Taxes levied according to the ability to pay. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. How about women? They did not get equal rights or citizenship. Olympe de Gouges, female journalist. Demanded equal rights for women. Rejected. Later, women met with more resistance for equality. Many jailed and executed including Gouges. How did King Louis XVI react? Did not want to accept reforms. Nobles continued to enjoy banquets. People starving. Anger

8 The National Assembly Acts
Why did women march from Paris to Versailles (10 miles)? They demanded bread and to see the king. Why were they angry at Marie Antoinette? She led a rich lifestyle while the people suffered in poverty. What did the women demand and what happened? They demanded the king return to Paris. King Louis XVI agreed and the women marched him and his family back to Paris.

9 The National Assembly Presses Onward
What changed when the state took over the French Catholic Church? Bishops and priests elected. Salaried. Church land sold off. Papal authority ended. Convents and monasteries dissolved. How did people react? The pope condemned it. Bishops and priests refused to accept it. Peasants rejected it. Huge divide between urban revolutionaries and rural revolutionaries.

10 The National Assembly Presses Onward
What type of gov. did the new constitution set up in France? Limited monarchy. Legislative Assembly created to make laws, collect taxes, decide on issues of war and peace. Elected officials males over 25. Old courts abolished. More efficient. Why wasn’t the new Constitution the end of the revolution? It made big changes but the people in government still didn’t truly represent the people.

11 The National Assembly Presses Onward
How did King Louis XIV react to the reform? Humiliated. Lost his power. M. Antoinette and others told him to flee. Tried to escape in disguise. Was caught and branded a traitor to the revolution.

12 Radicals Take Over Why did other rulers increase their border patrols?
Other monarchs wanted to stop the “French Plague,” revolution. How did word of the revolution spread? Emigres (nobles, clergy) who escaped told tales of terror and mayhem. Many people predicted that the revolution would turn much more violent. How did Marie Antoinette's family react? Her brother, king of Prussia, threatened war. The threat led the French revolutionaries to prepare for war.

13 Radicals Take Over What led to the Assignat (F.R. currency) to drop in value? Other countries not wanting to trade with France and the revolutionaries. This lead to high prices and more turmoil. Who were the sans-culottes? Working class men and women. They demanded a full- fledged republic. Who were the Jacobins? A revolutionary political club. Middle-class lawyers, intellectuals. Wanted more radical reform, supported the sans- culottes.

14 Conclusion By 1792 the radicals had control of the Legislative Assembly. European Monarchs scared for their power condemned France’s revolutionaries. The new radical Legislative Assembly voted and declared war on other states. Austria, Prussia, Britain. Fighting lasted from 1792 to 1815.

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