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The Battle of Badr غزوة بدر. Events Preceding Badr Quraysh incite polytheists in Medinah to fight the PSAW (fight or expel) Quraysh themselves threaten.

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Presentation on theme: "The Battle of Badr غزوة بدر. Events Preceding Badr Quraysh incite polytheists in Medinah to fight the PSAW (fight or expel) Quraysh themselves threaten."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Battle of Badr غزوة بدر

2 Events Preceding Badr Quraysh incite polytheists in Medinah to fight the PSAW (fight or expel) Quraysh themselves threaten the Muslims in Medinah (through a note). As a result, precautionary measures taken, like security guards around Rasoolullah’s house (until verse 5:67 revealed) Allah gives the Muslims permission to fight the disbelievers (22:39, exact date unknown) Bringing commerce routes that run to and from Makkah under control, through non-agression pacts and armed missions

3 Events Preceding Badr (cont.) Armed missions to note –S–Saif Al-Bahr Platoon (first Muslim standard, Kinaz Al-Ghanawi) –D–Dhil ‘Ushairah (PSAW, same camels on the way back from Syria  Badr) –P–Platoon of Nakhlah (Rajab 2AH, ‘Abdullah ibn Jahsh + 12 Muhaajirs, ‘Amr bin Al-Hadrami killed & 2 Qurayshis captured) "They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months (1, 7, 11, 12). Say, ‘Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allâh is to prevent mankind from following the way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-Al-Harâm, and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing" [Al-Qur'an 2:217]. Quraysh realize the rising power of the Muslims and Islam Ayaat of Jihad revealed (2:190-193, 47:4-7)  hypocrites dislike Change of Qiblah

4 +The Return of ‘Ushairah Caravan+ The PSAW sends Talha ibn ‘Ubaidullah & Sa’id ibn Zaid to scout the area. 50 thousand gold Dinars guarded by 40 men The PSAW strongly urges Muslims to ride out with him to ambush the caravan (not binding/fard)

5 Army of Muslims 300-317 Men 82-86 Muhaajiroon, 61 Aws & 170 Khazraj Only 2 Horses 70 Camels (1/2-3 Men, even Rasoolullah) Gen. Leadership/White Standard given to Mus’ab ibn ‘Umair Army divided into two battalions, Muhaajirs with a standard raised by ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Ansar with the standard raised by Sa’d ibn Mu’adh Az-Zubair ibn Al-‘Awwam appointed to the leadership of the right flank, Al-Miqdad bin ‘Amr to lead the left flank, and the rear of the army was at the command of Qais bin Abi Sa‘sa‘ah The Prophet [SAW], at the head of his army, marched out along the main road leading to Makkah. He then turned towards Badr and when he reached As-Safrâ’, he dispatched two men to scout about for the camels of Quraysh

6 Caravan of Kuffar Abu Sufyan alert/aware about dangers of his route and movements of Rasoolullah Scouts inform that Muslims lying in ambush Sends a messenger, Damdam ibn ‘Amr Al- Ghifari, to tell Quraysh Effect of his cries for help basically instantaneous

7 Army of Kuffar Mobilized almost all of their forces (excl. Banu ‘Adi clan, Abu Lahab) and also got some Arab tribes to contribute to the war effort 1300 Soldiers, incl. 100 horsemen & 600 mailed soldiers with a large number of camels Slaughtered 9-10 camels/day to feed However….were afraid that Banu Bakr would attack their rear (old long animosity) *Iblees appears to them in the form of Suraqa – chief of Bani Kinana – "I guarantee that no harm will happen from behind.“ Set out boastfully, motivated by revenge (Al-Hadrami Caravan) "…boastfully and to be seen of men, and hinder (men) from the path of Allâh. " [Al-Qur'an 8:47] Quraysh army on their way northward to Badr

8 Caravan Escape

9 March Toward Badr Abu Jahl arrogantly insists that Quraysh proceed to Badr, stay there for 3 nights, AND PARTAAAY, so that they can impress Arabs and punish Muslims Banu Zahrah break away from Kuffar Army. Army reduced to 1000 soldiers PSAW consults sahabah about the ongoing situation. Abu Bakr first to respond, assures Rasoolullah that they have his unreserved obedience. Umar supports his views Miqdad ibn ‘Amr gets up and says: "O Messenger of Allâh! Proceed where Allâh directs you to, for we are with you. We will not say as the Children of Israel said to Moses [AWS]: "Go you and your Lord and fight and we will stay here;” Rather we shall say: "Go you and your Lord and fight and we will fight along with you." Ansar pledge their lives for Allah and his Rasool

10 March Toward Badr (cont.) Rasoolullah continues onward toward Badr, and is promised by Allah one of the two things (the booty/caravan or engaging with the mushriks in battle) At Badr, the PSAW gets information out of two Qurayshi water carriers about enemy’s whereabouts, number of soldiers and names of the chieftains among them

11 Muslims make Camp at Badr & Witness Miracles Rain falls on both armies during the night. For the polytheists, it obstructs further progress. For the Muslims, it was a blessing (cleanses them and removes from them the stain/waswasa of Iblees) Muslims make camp during the night at Badr (Friday Ramadhan 17, 2 A.H.). Initially the PSAW decides to stop at nearest spring of Badr, but after finding out that this is a stratagem/y of war, and not wahih, Al-Hubab ibn Mundhir suggests that they encamp by the nearest well, make a basin/reservoir full of water, and then destroy all the other wells, to deprive the kuffar of water. PSAW approves of the plan Sa’d ibn Mu’adh suggests that a trellis be built for the PSAW and that he leads a squad of guards to defend the PSAW in his headquarters The PSAW spends the night in prayer and supplication. The Muslim army enjoys a sound and refreshing sleep "(Remember) when He covered you with a slumber as a security from Him, and He caused rain to descend on you from the sky, to clean you thereby and to remove from you the Rijz (whispering, evil suggestions, etc.) of Satan, and to strengthen your hearts, and make your feet firm thereby" [Al-Qur'an 8:11].

12 Initial Skirmishes In the morning, the PSAW calls his men to offer prayer, and arranges their ranks ‘Umair ibn Wahab scouts the Muslim army, and the Quraysh army’s desire to fight the Muslims reduces. Abu Lahab rekindles this evil desire PSAW supplicates to Allah, and so does Abu Jahl Utbah bin Rabi‘a steps forth between his brother Shaibah and his son Al-Waleed bin ‘Utbah and calls for the ‘heads’ of their cousins. PSAW asks ‘Ubaidah ibn Al-Harith, Hamzah and ‘Ali to go forward in combat. All three kufaar are killed, and ‘Ubaidah gets injured

13 The Main Event Before the ‘tipping point’, Rasoolullah (SAW) supplicates to Allah, "O Allâh! Should this group (of Muslims) be defeated today, You will no longer be worshipped." The response from Allah is immediate, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved" [Al-Qur'an 8:12]. Allah helps the Muslims with 1000 Angels, "I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession" [Al-Qur'an 8:9]. The Prophet [SAW] took a handful of gravel, cast it at the enemy and said: "Confusion seize their faces!" As he flung the dust, a violent sandstorm blew like a furnace blast into the eyes of the enemies. Allah says of this, "And you (i.e. Muhammad [pbuh]) threw not when you did throw but Allâh threw" [Al-Qur'an 8:17]. With the help of the Angels, the ranks of the Quraysh begin to give way, and *Iblees retreats and plunges himself into the Red Sea Abu Jahl is killed, “This is Pharaoh of this Nation”

14 V I C T O R Y 14 Muslims killed 70 polytheists killed, and ~70 captured On the third day, the Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] went out to look at the slain polytheists, and said: "What an evil tribe you were as regards your Prophet, you belied me but the others have believed; you let me down while the others have supported me; you expelled me, whereas the others have sheltered me." He stood over the bodies of twenty-four leaders of Quraysh who had been thrown into one of the wells, and started to call them by name and by the names of their fathers, saying: "Would it not have been much better for you if you had obeyed Allâh and His Messenger? Behold, we have found that our Lord’s promise do come true; did you (also) find that the promises of your Lord came true?" Thereupon, ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab said: "O Messenger of Allâh! Why you speak to bodies that have no souls in them?" The Prophet [pbuh] answered: "By Him in Whose hand is Muhammad [pbuh]’s soul! You do not hear better what I am saying than they do“ (

15 Lessons from Badr Importance of gaining/controlling wealth in this dunya, for the right reasons/with good intentions Importance of establishing good political relations with nations of influence Seek refuge from Shaytaan’s waswasa before he even tries to whisper again Sometimes only when ‘push comes to shove’, is when you can see those who are truly sincere Nifaaq, using secularism and democracy as a cover Hypocrites hate ruling by the rule of Allah & Jihad. When these two situations arise is when you will see their true colors (Surah Nisa’, 151) Importance of shurah (is an sunnah). Allah made the PSAW consult with his sahabah (as a mercy for this Ummah) Sahabah knew the stories of the prev. nations and learned from it. We should too, and also from the seerah of Rasoolullah (SAW) For the Mu’mineen, there is no choice once wahi comes Knowing the details is important (PSAW asked the two water carriers about details of the Quraysh/mushrik army) Always plan and have a good strategy before you try and execute (and always have tawakkul obv.) Dividing the army into ranks, archers, foot soldiers, Ansar, Muhaajir etc. (first time Arabs heard of this). This can be done in other fields, allows for specialization  inc. productivity

16 Lessons from Badr (cont.) Purpose of fighting in Islam is to keep the message of Laailaaha illallah alive/protect it & spread it Allah says in the Ayah, ‘I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved’, doesn’t nec. mean that we should cast terror into their hearts ‘Al-Fitnah is worse than killing’ (but obv. doesn’t mean we have the right to kill haphazardly) In the end, it doesn't matter really how many die, what matters is their shirk If you put your faith in Allah (have tawakkul in him) and try your best, ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE iA!! Sometimes if you have the intention of doing something, and you aren’t able to (or you make dua’ and it seems that it hasn’t been answered yet), be patient, for Allah knows what’s best for us (like the Dhil ‘Ushairah mission) Blood Relations means nothing when it comes in the way of being able to practice your religion Learn from your regrets before it is too late Those who act first (and are sincere obv.), are among the best The Importance of a Sunnah act (like those 300-317 who went with the PSAW to intercept the caravan, they ended being those who participated in Badr!)

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