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The Battle for a Jewish State The diplomatic and armed struggle from the end of the war to the Partition decision 1945-1947.

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Presentation on theme: "The Battle for a Jewish State The diplomatic and armed struggle from the end of the war to the Partition decision 1945-1947."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Battle for a Jewish State The diplomatic and armed struggle from the end of the war to the Partition decision 1945-1947

2 The DPs (displaced persons) problem  50,000 Jewish survivors were in Nazi concentration camps, at the time of liberation.  Jews who were hiding in Eastern Europe find out there is nowhere and no one to come back to.  By summer of 1945 there were 100,000 Jews in Camps, "non-repatriables“  Harrison report to Truman: “we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them”. He recommended that they will be evacuated to Palestine  By 1946, 250,000 Jews were in DP camps

3 The Bricha (escape) from Eastern Europe to the American Zone in Germany An initiative of local Zionists in Lublin, Poland, joined by the Jewish brigade and the Haganah in Europe

4 The Political Arena The Beginning of American involvement  President Truman: 100,000 Jewish refugees should be allowed to immigrate to Palestine.  Bevin (British Foreign secretary) : White Paper policy would be continued. Jewish Refugees should return to their countries and contribute to the reconstruction of Europe  Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (1946) to solve the DPs problem and Palestine question  The committee recommendation, to let 100,000 refugees immigrate immediately, is rejected by the British government, creating a rift between the British and the White House

5 The Jewish revolt in Palestine  The Etzel declares a revolt against the British – February 1944  Two Lehi members assassinated Lord Moyne – British resident Minister in Cairo – November 1944  The “Saison” - denouncing Etzel members to the British (1944-1945)  The Unified Jewish Resistance Movement is founded after Bevin reapproved the White paper (Nov 1945). Haganah, Etzel and Lehi collaborate against the British

6 The Jewish revolt in Palestine (2)  As a response to rejection of the Anglo – American committee - The bridges Night: Palmach blows-up 10 bridges, cutting all land communications to Palestine (June ’46)  Black Shabbat: British search for and confiscate arms. The Yeshuv leadership and many Haganah members are arrested.  The Etzel bombed the headquarters of Mandatory government at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem (July 1946). 91 victims. The United Jewish Resistance Movement is dismantle.  Etzel and Lehi continue attacking the British. Haganh concentrates on Illegal immigration

7 The Ha’apalah – Illegal immigration  The Bricha organization smuggled Jews who wanted to immigrate to Mediterranean ports in Europe.  The Mossad Le'aliyah Bet bought ships and hired crews.  64 ships were sent during 1945-1947 with 70,000 illegal immigrants  British put a naval blockade on Palestine. 70% of the immigrants were caught and sent to Cyprus  The influence on public opinion, of british fighting against survivors, was huge.

8 British last attempts  The Morrison - Grady Plan. federalization under overall British Trusteeship  After the plan is rejected by the Zionists, the Arabs and the Americans, the British set-up a conference in London. No results.  The British decided to give up the Mandate and to transfer the problem of Palestine to the United nations (February 1947).

9 U.N involvment  At the U.N General Assembly the Soviet Union joined The U.S. to support a Two States solution  U.N. special committee for Palestine (UNSCOP) recommend to end the Mandate and establish an Arab and a Jewish State  With strong American support, the U.N General Assembly vote for the partition decision (November 29, 1947). The British abstain, the Arabs and their supporters vote against.  Celebrations in the Jewish streets, anger among Arabs. The next day, violence against Jews brake out in Jerusalem. The war of independence starts

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