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The Empire in Transition. Loosening Ties Benefits of being in British Empire Changing relationship – Glorious Revolution – Corrupt Royal officials – Colonial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Empire in Transition. Loosening Ties Benefits of being in British Empire Changing relationship – Glorious Revolution – Corrupt Royal officials – Colonial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Empire in Transition

2 Loosening Ties Benefits of being in British Empire Changing relationship – Glorious Revolution – Corrupt Royal officials – Colonial Assemblies – Albany Plan of Union

3 Struggles for Continent British vs. French – King William's War – Queen Anne's War – King George's War – 7 Years' War (French and Indian War) French alliances with Native Americans Iroquois Confederacy Ohio Valley – Ft. Dusquesne – Start of French and Indian War

4 French and Indian War 1754 to 1756 colonists fought with little assistance Br. Gen. Edward Braddock – Defeat in Ohio Valley Expansion of war to Europe – Prime Minister William Pitt – Impressments – Confiscation of goods – Fall of Quebec and Montreal Peace of Paris (1763) British view of effort of colonists in the war Effect of war on the colonies

5 New Imperialism End of Salutary Neglect Shift from commercial to territorial imperialism King George III George Grenville Pontiac's Rebellion Proclamation of 1763 Further colonial acts – Quartering Act – Sugar Act – Currency Act – Stamp Act Paxton Boys and Regulator Movement

6 Stirrings of Revolt Virginia Resolves – Patrick Henry Stamp Act Congress Sons of Liberty Declaratory Act Charles Townshend – Townshend Acts – Mass. Circular Letter – Board of Customs Commissioners – Non importation agreement – Repeal of acts in 1770

7 Stirrings of Revolt Troops in Boston – Competition with colonists – Boston Massacre – Committee of Correspondence – Samuel Adams Whig Ideology – Beliefs about government – Virtual Representation – Actual Representation Gaspee Incident

8 Stirrings of Revolt Tea Act – British East India Company – Monopoly – Colonial Response – Daughters of Liberty Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) – Closed port of Boston – Quartering of Troops – Limited Self-government – Quebec Act

9 Colonial Cooperation and War

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