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Turkey Becomes A Republic By:Melanie Looman And Shanel Burgher.

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Presentation on theme: "Turkey Becomes A Republic By:Melanie Looman And Shanel Burgher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turkey Becomes A Republic By:Melanie Looman And Shanel Burgher

2 Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk” FMustafa Kemal was given the name “Ataturk” which means “Father of the Turks.” FHe was the founder and president of the new Republic of Turkey. FHe was a Army officer and a revolutionary statesman. FMustafa Kemal was given the name “Ataturk” which means “Father of the Turks.” FHe was the founder and president of the new Republic of Turkey. FHe was a Army officer and a revolutionary statesman.

3 Mustafa Kemal Nationalist FHis goal was to modernize Turkey. FHe led the Turkish nationalist to fight back the Greeks. FSeperated the laws of Islam from the laws of the nation. FHis goal was to modernize Turkey. FHe led the Turkish nationalist to fight back the Greeks. FSeperated the laws of Islam from the laws of the nation. FAbolished religious courts and created a new legal system based on European law. FGranted women the right to vote and to hold public office. FLaunched Gov’t funded programs to industrialize Turkey and to spur economic growth. FAbolished religious courts and created a new legal system based on European law. FGranted women the right to vote and to hold public office. FLaunched Gov’t funded programs to industrialize Turkey and to spur economic growth.

4 Persia becomes Iran FBoth Great Britain and Russia had a established Spheres of Influence in the ancient country of Persia. FBritain tried to take over Persia after the war, that triggered a nationalist revolt in Persia. FIn 1921, a Persian army officer seized power. FBoth Great Britain and Russia had a established Spheres of Influence in the ancient country of Persia. FBritain tried to take over Persia after the war, that triggered a nationalist revolt in Persia. FIn 1921, a Persian army officer seized power.

5 Reza Shah Pahlavi FPersia new leader Reza Shah had set out to modernize the country. FHe had established public school, railroads, promoted industrial growth and extended woman rights. FUnlike other leaders Reza Shah kept power in his own hands and in 1935 he changed the name of the country to Iran. FPersia new leader Reza Shah had set out to modernize the country. FHe had established public school, railroads, promoted industrial growth and extended woman rights. FUnlike other leaders Reza Shah kept power in his own hands and in 1935 he changed the name of the country to Iran.

6 Saudi Arabia keeps Islamic Traditions FWhile Turkey broke many Islamic traditions another new country held strictly to Islamic law. FIn 1902 Abd- al- Aziz Ibn Saud, began a successful campaign to unify Arabia. FIn 1932 he renamed the new kingdom Saudi Arabia after his family. FWhile Turkey broke many Islamic traditions another new country held strictly to Islamic law. FIn 1902 Abd- al- Aziz Ibn Saud, began a successful campaign to unify Arabia. FIn 1932 he renamed the new kingdom Saudi Arabia after his family. FIn Saudi Arabia loyalty was based on custom, religion, and family ties. FIbn Saud brought some modern technology such as phones and radios, however modernization in Saudi Arabia was limited to religiously acceptable areas. FIn Saudi Arabia loyalty was based on custom, religion, and family ties. FIbn Saud brought some modern technology such as phones and radios, however modernization in Saudi Arabia was limited to religiously acceptable areas.

7 Oil Resources Spur Economic Development FThe more that wanted petroleum products brought new oil exploration to south west Asia. FEuropean and American companies discovered huge oil deposits in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. FForeign Businesses invested money to make oil fields. FOil led to dramatic economic changes and development. FThe more that wanted petroleum products brought new oil exploration to south west Asia. FEuropean and American companies discovered huge oil deposits in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. FForeign Businesses invested money to make oil fields. FOil led to dramatic economic changes and development.

8 O.R.S.E.D (CONTINUED) FSaudi Arabia would have been a Nation of wealthy oil exporters. FOil encouraged western nations to try to dominate this region. FHeading for a crisis while power- hungry leaders seized control in Italy and Germany. FSaudi Arabia would have been a Nation of wealthy oil exporters. FOil encouraged western nations to try to dominate this region. FHeading for a crisis while power- hungry leaders seized control in Italy and Germany.

9 “Peace at home is peace in the country. Peace in the country is peace in the world.” -- M.K. Atat 殲 k

10 "The death of Atatürk, who had saved Turkey during the war and revived the Turkish Nation after the war, is a great loss, not only for his country, but also for Europe as well." -- Sir Winston Churchill If war were to break out, nations would rush to join their armed forces and national resources. The swiftest and most effective measure is to establish an international organization which would prove to the aggressor that its aggression cannot pay."-- M.K. Atat 殲 k "This nation has never lived without independence. We cannot and shall not live without it. Either independence or death."-- M.K. Atat 殲 k "Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women."-- M.K. Atat 殲 k Quotes

11 Reza Shah Pahlavi

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