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1 Finances   Major  Major  Responsibilities Career Your Name Why this Why this  Career  Career Education & Education & Training  Summary Slide Resume.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Finances   Major  Major  Responsibilities Career Your Name Why this Why this  Career  Career Education & Education & Training  Summary Slide Resume."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Finances   Major  Major  Responsibilities Career Your Name Why this Why this  Career  Career Education & Education & Training  Summary Slide Resume Interview Add your name and career to this slide….personaliz e this slide to reflect your career ….see samples on Futures Website

2 2 Why I Chose This Career? Personality Profile From Pathfinders Survey: Pencil and paper assessment - career clusters –Ex. Enterprising & Realistic Personality Profile From Drive of Your Life: –Ex. Enterprising & Realistic What are your personal interests/hobbies and how do they relate to your career?

3 3 Education & Training to Obtain this Career Educational Level Needed Licenses or Certifications Internship, Residency, Apprenticeship College or University –Major (what will you study or be certified in) –List your Short – Mid – and Long Term goals to meet your education plans Add your college(s) logo on this page No more than 3

4 4 YOUR CAREER: _______________________ STARTING SALARY $_______________________ 1.During the Budget Unit you made choices about where and how you would live. Discuss below what your have learned about continuing your education/training and how it will impact you when you are living on your own. 2.What did Chad Foster mean by making money while you sleep and what goals will you set for yourself to accomplish that? 3.What changes/choices would you make now that you know how expensive it is to live on your own?

5 5 Advantages & Disadvantages List Advantages Here One Two Three List Disadvantages Here One Two Three

6 6 Insert your Personal Resume here

7 7 Major Responsibilities Make a bulleted list that describes your responsibilities here. Make sure you include at least FIVE typical tasks that you would do each day. One Two Three Four Five

8 8 Start of Work Day: Briefly Describe Morning Responsibilities: Briefly Describe Lunch Responsibilities: Briefly Describe Waking Up: Briefly Describe Ending Your Work Day: Briefly Describe Afternoon Responsibilities: Briefly Describe This slide should describe a day of daily duties

9 9 Other Possible Careers Briefly explain three other careers that interest you. What similarities and differences are there between your first choice and other career interests? How does your personality profile fit into these careers?

10 Summary Slide Give a brief summary of your chosen career. Explain two things that you can do in the next few years to work towards your career. Describe one thing that you learned about yourself through this class.

11 Finances   Major  Major  Responsibilities Career Your Name Why this Why this  Career  Career Education & Education & Training  My Resume Summary Slide

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