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Oral Presentation (Your Choice of Title Here) Date Time Place Degree/Licensure.

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Presentation (Your Choice of Title Here) Date Time Place Degree/Licensure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Presentation (Your Choice of Title Here) Date Time Place Degree/Licensure

2 Introduction Briefly tell us about yourself on this slide. Briefly tell us about your overall program experience on this slide. Indicate that you will cover your strengths, areas of growth, professional development plan, and philosophy of education on this slide.

3 Strengths List strengths and experiences as related to competencies on this slide.

4 Strengths (Continued) List additional strengths and experiences on this slide, if necessary.

5 Areas of Growth List areas of growth as related to competencies and experiences on this slide.

6 Areas of Growth (Continued) List additional areas of growth on this slide, if necessary.

7 Professional Development Plan On this slide, list those items that you plan to do in order to improve yourself professionally.

8 Professional Development Plan (Continued) Use this slide to list additional professional development plans, if necessary.

9 Philosophy of Education Explain philosophy of education on this slide.

10 Summary/Conclusion Provide a wrap up of your presentation on this slide. Ask for comments or questions.

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