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VOED 6573 Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Vocational Education WELCOME Fall, 2008 Instructor: David Agnew.

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Presentation on theme: "VOED 6573 Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Vocational Education WELCOME Fall, 2008 Instructor: David Agnew."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOED 6573 Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Vocational Education WELCOME Fall, 2008 Instructor: David Agnew

2 Tonight Introductions Overview of the course Handout course outline Logging on to Blackboard Projects Introduction to Research Activity/quiz The need for Educational Research Your Assignment, Read Hamblin Blackboard check-in… In the news……Example:

3 Objectives: Session 1 1. Define terms associated with educational research. 2. Give 2 examples of topics educational researchers might investigate. 3. Name and give an example of four ways of knowing other than the method used by scientists. 4. Explain why a knowledge of scientific research methodology can be of value to educators and society. 5. Name and give an example of 6 different types of research methodologies used by ed researchers. 6. Describe the differences among descriptive, associational, and intervention-type studies. 7 Describe briefly the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. 8. Describe briefly what is meant by mixed methods research. 9. Describe briefly the basic components involved in the research process.

4 Handouts Course outline Copies of Power Point 1 Copies of Power Point 2 Hamblin Article News article and Instrument

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