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Chapter 5 – Population Theories

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1 Chapter 5 – Population Theories
Questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2 #2) Briefly explain why the early- expanding stage and the late-expanding stage occurred later and faster in developing countries?

3 #2) Briefly explain why the early- expanding stage and the late-expanding stage occurred later and faster in developing countries? Early expanding Later Faster Late expanding

4 #3) Contrast the factors responsible for “death control” with those responsible for “birth control”.

5 b) a public health tragedy caused by inattention to infection risk.
4) Acceptance of germ theory of disease has made infection control a major health goal worldwide. Provide one example of each of the following; a) a household product named after Joseph Lister (a pioneer in the fight against germs). b) a public health tragedy caused by inattention to infection risk. c) something you might do to protect yourself against infection. d) a major concern of international travelers. e) a major concern in Canadian hospitals.

6 5) Explain why Mexico’s current death rate is lower than Sweden’s in spite of the fact that Sweden is more highly developed and has more advanced health care system. Mexico: Population – million Death Rate - 4 % < % Sweden: Population – 9.6 million Death Rate - 10 % < %

7 6b) What natural and human factors would limit the magnitude of Earth’s carrying capacity?

8 6c) Coal, oil , and natural gas can be used as fuels or as industrial raw materials. What is the difference between these uses and how is this related to the idea of a phantom carrying capacity? Fuel Raw material

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