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W w w. h a m k. f i 16.9.2005 Teacher's eSkills -project eOsaajan taidot HAMK/eLearning Centre.

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1 w w w. h a m k. f i 16.9.2005 Teacher's eSkills -project eOsaajan taidot HAMK/eLearning Centre

2 w w w. h a m k. f i 26.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Briefly about project Project is administrated by Häme Polytechnic University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and financed by European Social Fund.HAMKEuropean Social Fund Project has started in spring of the 2003 Our main goals are to develop eLearning in higher learning / education in the Häme region. During the project we collaborate with different partners, few of them are for example The University of Tampere, Nokia, Mediamaisteri Group and different degree programs of Häme Polytechnic.The University of Tampere NokiaMediamaisteri Group

3 w w w. h a m k. f i 36.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Training period/course We have organized training period, our main aim was and still is to teach different eLearning possibilities to teachers from different schools and different degree programmes. Training period started in October 2004 and ended in June of 2005. In this training period have participated 22 enthusiastic students. Some of them are teachers of different fields and schools, and the others are from companies.

4 w w w. h a m k. f i 46.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Content of training period During this training period students have learned/trained how to produce learning objects of their own fields and how to edit them later on. There are six main areas / competences in which they specialized in: –technical competence –pedagogical competence –media competence –strategical knowledge –content production competence –productisation competence. Teaching staff included 10 teachers of different fields. They are from several education units and universities.

5 w w w. h a m k. f i 56.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Learning Objects for this training period are mainly produced by eLearning Centre staff and teachers. Learning Objects reusability is also one of the main goals, example of learning object (how to connect audio equipments to computer).audio As a learning environment during training period we used Moodle (Open Source software)Moodle Study material is available for all, links can be found on our website eOsaaja.eOsaaja

6 w w w. h a m k. f i 66.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Final result The purpose of this training period was for students to learn how to use smoothly programs like: –Adobe Photoshop (graphics processing) –Macromedia Dreamweaver (web designing) –Macromedia Flash (animations) –Windows Movie Maker (video editing) –Communication applications (Skype, TeamSpeak) –Sound Forge, Audacity (sound editing) ect. As a result students have produced different web projects From 22 students 20 got the diploma and some of them are planing to expand their web projects. For example a nursing degree programme teacher, who produced a webcource during our training period is planing to improve it in a technical and a pedagogical way and (pilot/launch) the cource to the students during this year. Helena’s webcourse Helena’s videowebcoursevideo

7 w w w. h a m k. f i 76.9.2005 HAMK, eLearning Centre Thank you for your attention! Please do not hesitate to ask for more information! eOsaajan taidot eOsaajan taidot (Project website, In Finnish) eLearning Centre eLearning Centre english_index.php?kieli=english (Häme Polytechnic's eLearning Centre website, In English) Project manager: Hely Kilpeläinen, or Media asisstant: Mirlinda Kosova-Alija,

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