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AnOverview of Services Academic Skills Center (ASC) Center (ASC)

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Presentation on theme: "AnOverview of Services Academic Skills Center (ASC) Center (ASC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AnOverview of Services Academic Skills Center (ASC) Center (ASC)

2 General Information Location:Old Library 2112 (through the Schofield/Library breezeway) Hours: Monday -Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (plus limited evening hours) Phone: (715) 836-4421

3 Tutoring  All tutoring in the Academic Skills Center is free of charge and is designed to provide students with the basic skills required for success in UW-EC courses.  Tutors emphasize the process of learning and the application of skills to content areas.

4 To register for ASC services:  Go to the Academic Skills Center  Complete an Initial Interview Form  Discuss your needs with intake staff  Be scheduled with a tutor and/or coordinator  Complete any required diagnostic tests

5 ASC Tutorial Services: Learning Strategies  Reading  Mathematics  Study strategies  English as a Second Language

6 ASC Course-Related Tutoring Foreign Languages  Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202 Mathematics  Math 010  Math 020

7 ASC Course-Related Tutoring Physical and Social Sciences  Biology 110, 130, 151  Chemistry 103, 104, 150  Economics 103, 104, 201  Geography 104  Physics 100, 211, 212 Supplemental Instruction  Biology 100, 111, 214  Political Science 110

8 Reading and Study Strategies (RSS) Linda Spaeth, Coordinator

9 RSS Peer Tutoring  Reading and rate comprehension  Textbook reading strategies  Text and lecture note taking  Exam preparation and test taking skills  Time management  Memory and concentration techniques  PRAXIS I/PPST (Pre-Professional Skills Test)

10 RSS Diagnostic Testing  Reading  Study strategies  Learning styles  Test anxiety

11 Mathematics Holly Hassemer, Coordinator

12 Peer Tutoring for Mathematics  Math 010 and 020 – individual appointments  Problem solving and analytical thinking skills  Basic mathematics, algebra, and geometry  Overcoming math anxiety  Study strategies for mathematics  Prepare for PRAXIS I/PPST, GRE, MCAT, LSAT

13 Mathematics Diagnostic Testing  Basic mathematics  Introductory algebra  Intermediate algebra  Analytical skills

14 Tutoring is available on a limited basis in the Math Lab for these courses: Math 104 Math 215 Math 246 Math 108 Math 109 Math 111 Math 112 Math 113 Math 114 Tutoring for these courses is available in the Math Lab, HHH 220. The ASC does NOT routinely tutor:

15 English as a Second Language (ESL) Jasmine Krotzman, Coordinator

16 Peer Tutoring for Permanent Resident or Immigrant Students  Application of study strategies to courses Time management Time management Lecture and text note taking Lecture and text note taking Objective and essay exam preparation Objective and essay exam preparation

17 Peer Tutoring for Permanent Resident or Immigrant Students  Reading rate and comprehension  Effective listening  Vocabulary enrichment  Writing (organizing, revising, editing)  Content tutoring and study sessions for courses

18 The ESL tutoring coordinator can also provide assistance with requests for additional testing time on standardized tests.

19  English conversation sessions Contact course instructor Contact course instructor  Tutoring in any course Contact Jasmine Krotzman, ASC Contact Jasmine Krotzman, ASC International Students

20 Grant-Funding Content Tutoring Patti See, Coordinator

21 Peer Tutoring for:  Targeted Tutoring for American multicultural students  Tutoring for students with documented physical, psychological, or learning disabilities  Tutoring for Student Support Services grant participants

22 Students Complete the Following Steps:  Work with or be referred by any of these offices: Multicultural Affairs Multicultural Affairs Services for Students with Disabilities Services for Students with Disabilities Student Support Services Student Support Services  Meet briefly with project coordinator, Patti See  Complete diagnostic testing, as needed  Receive a tutor These grant-funded services provide one-on-one tutoring for students of color, students with disabilities., and first generation/low-income students.

23 LearningPlus ® Holly Hassemer (math) Patti See (writing) Linda Spaeth (reading)

24 A computer-based program designed to improve skills and strategies in mathematics, reading, and writing. LearningPlus®

25 Learning Plus® includes:  Diagnostic tests  Instructional programs on skills and strategies  Practice tests based on actual PRAXIS I/ PPST tests, written and computer-based  Explanations of why answers are correct or incorrect  Profile of progress and results on the tests

26 A $25.00 fee provides access to Learning Plus® in the Academic Skills Center and in most student labs on campus. LearningPlus®

27 Other Tutoring Resources: Accounting – Student Accounting Society SSS 314 Biology – Biology Club, Molecular Movement Club Check posters in Phillips Chemistry – American Chemical Society, Molecular Movement Club P 426 Mathematics – Math Lab HHH 220 Nursing – Student Success Center NUR 258

28 Other Tutoring Resources: Philosophy 150 HHH 632 Political Science – Student mentors available for some courses SSS 200A Psychology courses – some instructors have teaching assistants HHH 277 Center for Writing Excellence L 2003A See your instructor, department secretaries, or student organizations for additional information.

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