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Vocabulary 7 Using Synonyms. Alluring Tempting, fascinating; desirable, irresistible, enchanting; attractive.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary 7 Using Synonyms. Alluring Tempting, fascinating; desirable, irresistible, enchanting; attractive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 7 Using Synonyms

2 Alluring Tempting, fascinating; desirable, irresistible, enchanting; attractive

3 Curtail Reduce, diminish; restrict; cut short

4 Disdain Scorn; dislike, hate, reject; look upon something with contempt or scorn

5 Flaunt Show off; brag, boast, display, crow, gloat; display ostentatiously

6 Impetuous Reckless; impulsive, abrupt; characterized by rash or sudden energy

7 Pervade Spread throughout; infiltrate, fill up, cover; spread through every part of

8 Pestilent Deadly; fatal, lethal, mortal; relating to serious and widespread illness or plague

9 Sedate Calm; quiet, gentle, motionless, peaceful; calm or composed

10 Solace Comfort, relief; something that gives comfort or relief

11 Stagnation Motionless; staleness, inactivity; process of becoming foul or stale from lack of movement

12 Vocabulary 8 Greek Word Roots

13 Anachronism Something out of its proper time period

14 Anthropomorphic Resembling human form; attributing human form to something not human

15 Dehydration Lessoning or absence of water; drying up

16 Euthanasia A good death; a “mercy killing;” putting to death painlessly

17 Genealogy Knowledge about one’s ancestors; study of family history and ancestors

18 Hierarchy Ranking with most powerful at the top; a system ranking things in order

19 Hypodermic Under the skin

20 Periphery Around the outside; outer boundary

21 Psychopath Person with a diseased mind; mentally ill person

22 Traumatic Severely damaging; relating to a serious physical or psychological injury

23 Vocabulary 9 Word Families

24 Cognition The act of thinking

25 Corpulent Fat, obese

26 Dormant Inactive; at rest

27 Elaborate Detailed, complicated

28 Innovate Make something new, introduce changes

29 Insoluble Incapable of being solved or dissolved

30 Interrogation A formal questioning session

31 Sentiment Feeling or emotion

32 Sonorous Rich and full of sound

33 Transcribe Make an exact copy of

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