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“...we have already shown that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9, NLT)

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Presentation on theme: "“...we have already shown that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9, NLT)"— Presentation transcript:



3 “...we have already shown that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9, NLT)

4 Our Defiance Revealed… Suppress the Knowledge of God Traded God’s Glory, Truth, and Design for Broken Human Imaginations and Evil Despised God’s Kindness in Our Lives by Condemning Others

5 Toxic Religion Romans 2:17-29

6 Bhopal, India

7 “…speak of other persons’ sins with bitterness or with laughter and levity and an air of contempt…is very apt to suspect others, find fault …quick to note their deficiencies.” (Jonathan Edwards)

8 originates in spiritual pride Toxic Religion…

9 The Pathology of Spiritual Pride Our Title “You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God’s law, and you boast about your special relationship with him.” (Romans 2:17, NLT)

10 The Pathology of Spiritual Pride Possession of Scripture “You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God’s law, and you boast about your special relationship with him.” (Romans 2:17, NLT)

11 The Pathology of Spiritual Pride Our Unique Relationship with God “You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God’s law, and you boast about your special relationship with him.” (Romans 2:17, NLT)

12 The Pathology of Spiritual Pride Our Knowledge of God’s Will “You know what he wants; you know what is right because you have been taught his law.” (Romans 2:18, NLT)

13 The Pathology of Spiritual Pride Our Duty to Teach Others “You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness. You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God.” (Romans 2:19–20, NLT)

14 disconnects doing the truth from knowing the truth Toxic Religion

15 “Well then, if you teach others, why don’t you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal? You say it is wrong to commit adultery, but do you commit adultery? You condemn idolatry, but do you use items stolen from pagan temples?” (Romans 2:21–22, NLT)

16 “You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it.”” (Romans 2:23, NLT)

17 “No wonder the Scriptures say, “The Gentiles blaspheme the name of God because of you.”” (Romans 2:24, NLT)

18 honors ceremony over obedience Toxic Religion

19 “The Jewish ceremony of circumcision has value only if you obey God’s law. But if you don’t obey God’s law, you are no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile. And if the Gentiles obey God’s law, won’t God declare them to be his own people?” (Romans 2:25–26, NLT)

20 “In fact, uncircumcised Gentiles who keep God’s law will condemn you Jews who are circumcised and possess God’s law but don’t obey it.” (Romans 2:27, NLT)

21 requires a work of the Spirit Toxic Religion

22 “No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by God’s Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.” (Romans 2:29, NLT)


24 “This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”” (Romans 1:17, NLT)

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