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Women's Positions in History 1. The Chase Family 2. In Zycron 3. Iris in her Old Age and as a Nattor.

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Presentation on theme: "Women's Positions in History 1. The Chase Family 2. In Zycron 3. Iris in her Old Age and as a Nattor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women's Positions in History 1. The Chase Family 2. In Zycron 3. Iris in her Old Age and as a Nattor

2 Women’s Positions As Reflected in the Chase Family //Public History As Presented Allegorically in the Sci-fi Iris’s Narration: Its Purposes

3 Chronology and Family History Grandmother Adelia + Grandfather Benjamin (their family backgrounds and portrait 59; Button Factory pp. 53 -54 1913 Adelia died  the sons (Norval, Edgar and Percival p. 63) 1914 World War I: Button Factory & the three sons 71- 1918 11/11 After WW I: Liliana vs. Norval (“Gramophone”) Bread day – the Mother’s Death

4 Chronology and Family History (2) 1933 Chase supports the relief efforts (108) 1934 Richard against the strikers; factory fire 1935 April– reception; May –Wedding (127); August-- Laura missing and found (258) 1936 Queen Mary Cruise 1936 Richard against being involved in the civil war in Spain 1945 Laura’s Death 1947 Spring The Blind Assassin published; June Richard’s death 1975 Aimee’s death 1998 Feb Winnifred’s death  May Laura Chase Memorial Prize

5 Chase Family What do you think of the lives of Iris’s grandmother (Adelia) and mother (Liliana) ? What kinds of public history are they involved in?

6 Chase Family in History Class Issues: Grandmother Adelia and her Avilion(pp. 59, 72-73, 77); her death 63-64 Norval and Liliana -- pp. 68; 72-73; 77l “Gramophone” Iris and Laura p. 80; Laura pp. 84, 85 “Ten days after the war ended, my sister Laura drove a car off a bridge.” Iris in the present time Aging 37, 38, 41, 55, 56-57  next time: Iris and food A world of globalization and tourism: 48, 50, the recipient of the award

7 The Metafictional: the Photos Laura and Iris – “Prologue” (p. 5)  “Hand-tinting” (191-92)  Epilogue (pp. 517-18) History of Photography: Tinting -- The grandparents’ photo “Avillion” (p. 59) The mother “Trousseau” (p. 68) The two sisters p. 160 (end of “Miss Violence”)  mother like photographs 142  Iris’s wedding photos (later)

8 the planet Zycron In what ways is it similar to our society? “hard-boiled egg” five tribes and a pile of stones (Sakiel-Norn) “The park bench” Snilfard vs. Ygnirods “The carpets” blinded children  cut throat business

9 the planet Zycron Issues – pp. 11-12 an allegory on history as a trace of the forgotten or the permanently present (only reduced in size) “the carpets” -- child laborers making what’s both poetic and cruel pp. 21-22; their final liberation in being blinded.  blind assassins “lipstick heart” – gods for men’s self-justification; every position is for sale “the dedicated girl” – pp. 29-

10 Iris as a Story-Teller Telling the stories Reenie told her p.64 “For whom am I writing this” p. 43 (“The sliver box”) about the war – p. 75 –ending it by turning to a new page. The mother and the purpose of writing a memoir pp. 94-95 Iris in her old age – “button factory picnic” 169 – like a letter “deposited here, collected there. But a letter addressed to no one.”

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