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Information Literacy: An International State-of-the-Art Report Mexico and Latin America IFLA Satellite Conferece Library Statistics for the 21st. Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Literacy: An International State-of-the-Art Report Mexico and Latin America IFLA Satellite Conferece Library Statistics for the 21st. Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Literacy: An International State-of-the-Art Report Mexico and Latin America IFLA Satellite Conferece Library Statistics for the 21st. Century World UIS-IFLA-ISO Montreal, Canada, August 18- Jesús Lau, PhD Director, USBI VER Library, and Coordinator, UV Virtual Library Universidad Veracruzana / Boca del Río, Veracruz, MÉXICO

2 Overview Still scattered activity Done mostly in higher education institutions Most active countries: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Rica, Mexico Some IL specific conferences are held Papers often included in general library science conferences About a dozen books published Some serial articles published every year

3 Basic IL Concepts Linguistic issues: More than a dozen terms denoting similar activities –Desarrollo de habilidades informativas –Alfabetización Informacional (ALFIN) –User education –User instruction –Information competencies Resistance to be “alphabetized” Desarrollo de Habilidades Informativas

4 IL for daily life: citizens, workers, business No reported activity in private sector (often considered “training”) Not much in public libraries either Some ministries have started to show interest in the topic (e.g. Veracruz Education Department has requested the publishing of the Information Literacy Guidelines for distribution in local libraries)

5 Know How Materials Most widespread IL activity in many countries Universities and Ministries information literacy related manuals, flyers and other media

6 Library Tours Many college libraries with a good technology base have created good multimedia tours: –UACJ –UVM –UNAM –UCOL (leading institution in tech goodies)

7 Tutorials on how to use specific information resources Mexican examples: –UV: Tutorial on Catalog –UACJ: Multimedia program on Catalog –ILCE: Videos for user information –INEGI: web-based tutorials Assumed to be likewise in most countries

8 Workshops / Hands On Also well developed in major library organizations Offered to students, faculty and staff Different options: –Optional course or workshop –On request by faculty –As part of the curricula –For graduate students, etc.

9 Credit Courses Mexico: leading country As introductory course (ITESM, UACJ) As full subject (UDLAP) Clavijero Consortium: IL compulsory subject in more than 50 institutions Universidad Veracruzana, optional Much work still to be done

10 Publications Mexico created its guidelines in 2002 Monographs: Colombia, Brazil, Chile and México (nine) Several theses have been done on the subject Still no specific associations

11 Training the trainers No formal studies in LIS schools Some courses facilitated in México, Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala and Peru

12 Conferences Oldest conference in Spanish- speaking countries: Encuentro DHI, Chihuahua, México, 1998 - Valparaiso, Chile: Conference Chile: Seminar Costa Rica – Conference, aimed at creating national policies on IL Lima, Peru – UNESCO regional workshop

13 Thank you!

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