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Welcome Fill out your reading trackers and pass them in

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1 Welcome Fill out your reading trackers and pass them in
Find your Julius Caesar 3.1 Reading Homework and set it on your desk.

2 Benchmark Review Look through your benchmark at your scores. Try to figure out where your errors were. We will discuss the foreshadowing and figurative language passages together as a group in a few minutes. We will not discuss all of the grammar questions but the correct answers are circled for you. Make sure you know why your incorrect answers were wrong.

3 Q3 Grade Review Look at your Quarter 3 grade – this paper is yours to keep. You will be writing a reflection on your grade. S2 = Semester 2 overall grade H2 (75% of S2 grade) = Mastery + practice (includes two remediated skills) B2 (10% of S2 grade)= Benchmark (E2 will be your final exam – worth 15% of S2 grade)

4 Acuity Results Please highlight the SKILL for any question you had incorrect on BOTH copies. Example: Analyze impact of word choice on meaning of text. You do NOT need to highlight the word “INCORRECT” Done early? Start your independent reading homework.

5 Grammar Lesson 1: Parallel Structure

6 What does parallel mean in math?

7 Example and Non Example
Mary likes hiking, swimming, and bicycling. Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ride a bicycle. Non-Example: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle.

8 Define Parellel Structure:
Guess? Definition: Parallel structure (also called parallelism) is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. By making each compared item or idea in your sentence follow the same grammatical pattern, you create a parallel construction.

9 Correct these problems:
The dictionary can be used to find: word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs. The dictionary can be used to find: word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs. My best friend took me dancing and to a show. My best friend took me to a dance and to a show. My dog not only likes to play fetch, but also chase cars. My dog not only likes to play fetch, but he also likes to chase cars. OR My dog likes not only to play fetch, but also to chase cars.

10 Practice: Correct yourself.
I would rather eat potatoes than to eat rice. I would rather eat potatoes than eat rice. It's harder to do long division than dividing with a calculator. It’s harder to do long division than to divide with a calculator. Merchants receive either money or trade goods with their clients Merchants either receive money or trade goods with their clients. I would rather pay for my education than financial aid. I would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid.

11 Independent Practice Please write these sentences on the back side of your handout with CORRECT parallel structure. 1. Mr. Roe enjoys dancing, being serious, and to act. 2. On your test you will need to analyze literature and be correcting grammar properly

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