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Mon – ckn patty on bun/rib-b-q Tue – spaghetti/ckn salad crois Wed – bbq sw/fish sw Thu – salisbury steak / ckn tenders Fri – pizza / grilled ckn sw.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon – ckn patty on bun/rib-b-q Tue – spaghetti/ckn salad crois Wed – bbq sw/fish sw Thu – salisbury steak / ckn tenders Fri – pizza / grilled ckn sw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon – ckn patty on bun/rib-b-q Tue – spaghetti/ckn salad crois Wed – bbq sw/fish sw Thu – salisbury steak / ckn tenders Fri – pizza / grilled ckn sw

2 Mon – cereal & toast Tue – pancake on a stick Wed – ham, eggs, toast Thu – sausage biscuit Fri – poptart & grits

3 –runic –\ROO-nik\, adjective; –1.Having some secret or mysterious meaning. –2.Consisting of or set down in runes. –3.Referring to an interlaced form seen on ancient monuments, metalwork, etc., of the northern European peoples.

4 Attention plankers: bring your best pictures to room 604 to be included in the yearbook. Deadline is 8/26.

5 Any girls interested in playing fall soccer thru Coastal Georgia, see Coach DeMasi in the gym.

6 Congrats to JV Lady Rebels Softball Team on 8/17

7 Varsity Lady Rebels will have a double header vs. Evans High School on 8/19

8 Blood drive 8/258-3 Sign up at lunch

9 Next FBLA meeting Aug 25 3:35-4:30 $15 Dues

10 Join National Honor Society online at the school web page See Coach DeMasi or Mrs. Lamb

11 There is only one day left to get your parking permit! See Mrs. Zipperer on the 200 hall to get yours.

12 There will be a HOSA member meeting on Tuesday, August 23, until 4:30 in room 601.

13 HOSA will have open member sign-ups every Wednesday in August. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Burgstiner in room 601.

14 Pink Polka Dot shirts are being reordered and will be available next week

15 All JV softball players going on the trip today will get out of class at 2:10.

16 Congratulations to the Lady Rebel Softball Team on defeating South Effingham on 8/16 in extra innings.

17 The lady rebels softball team will be back in action on 8/19 starting at 4:30 against the region opponent Knights from Evans High School. Come out and support your lady rebels.

18 Rebel Country store is being restocked today with food and beverages!

19 The Friday shirts are now on display for $8. There is a new hoodie approved for school. Also check out the pajama pants.

20 Science club meeting Aug. 23 4:00-4:30cafeteria

21 Science club dues are $15. Officers will be elected on Sept. 6. Dues must be paid by that date.

22 Junior/Senior dues are $45! Pay Ms. Bland in the front office. Dues go up to $50 for juniors and $55 for seniors in Oct.

23 Senior Superlative categories have been announced! See your first period teacher for the complete list or stop by room 604. This year, you may campaign for a category! Register for up to three categories with Mr. Holt in room 604 by Wednesday, August 24. Voting for superlatives will be held on stage all day on Wednesday, Sept. 7, during make-up senior pictures.

24 SkillsUSA is having a bake sale and membership drive! Stop by at lunch and join and get a free cookie!

25 Just in– two new Friday shirts. Effingham Athletics shirt for $8 and pink shirt with ECHS in navy polka dots for $8.

26 The French Club is starting back up. Our first meeting is schedule for Tuesday the 23rd of August @ 3:30 in Mr. Carnes' room (112) until 4:40.

27 Math tutoring starts after school, 3:30-4:30. Mon & Wed – room 901 Tue – room 909 Thu – room 209 Make sure you have a ride!

28 Rebel Rock Café! Stop by room 411 for a snack and cold drink. Most items are.50 or.75.

29 The Rebel Country Store is now restocked with uniform t- shirts. We are open during all four lunches and 7:50-8:20.

30 History club meeting 8/17 After school Room 921 Make sure you have a ride!

31 Student council applications are available NOW in room 605 or on the website. Apps are due 8/19. All applications must attend meeting on 8/22 at 7:30 a.m. in room 605. Don’t attend? Can’t run for office.

32 National Art Honor Society apps are in room 605 or on the website. Apps are due 8/31.

33 FBLA ice cream social Aug 16, 3:35-4:30 Cafeteria You don’t have to be a member to attend!

34 Students selling candy last year for the trip to France in May of 2013, please stop by and get your bag with Mr. Carnes.

35 The French Club is a rebel club. We belong to you and anyone can join. Our goal is to serve ECHS students and families as well as the community. You can stop by room 112 to get an application. Come experience the French language, culture, foods, and above all being servant leaders to our school.

36 HOSA open membership sign- ups at lunch during August only on Wed.

37 Football scrimmage Wednesday, Aug. 17 7 p.m. $5 to get in No passes accepted except Football Gridiron Club

38 Join the History Club See Ms. Drayton, room 201 See Mr. Hadwin, room 921 Dues are $15.

39 Students: return your Health Information Form as soon as possible.

40 Students: you are not allowed to carry medication on your without the proper paperwork. See the nurse in room 602.

41 Senior make-up pictures are Sept. 7. Sign up for an appt time with Mr. Holt in room 604.

42 Yearbooks are on sale now! Get yours for $45 before the deadline: Sept 1. Stop by room 604 or download a form on under the ‘students’ link.

43 Seniors: if you took pictures this summer, watch your mailbox for your login to see your proofs. See Mr. Holt in room 604 if you have any questions.

44 FCCLA wants you as a member! Dues are $20. T- shirts are $10. Stop by room 302 for details.

45 FCCLA meeting Aug. 19 After school

46 Seniors: get your senior information sheet in room 604. They are due back in late September.

47 Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.

48 Watch our TV channel!

49 Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join the more than 3,000 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!

50 Buy pictures from this school year!

51 Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings):

52 Follow us on

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