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BCEA Award Hannah Wilds. Colby Stansberry Scholarship Will Carder.

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Presentation on theme: "BCEA Award Hannah Wilds. Colby Stansberry Scholarship Will Carder."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCEA Award Hannah Wilds

2 Colby Stansberry Scholarship Will Carder

3 Council Baptist Church Scholarship Emily Booher

4 Howard Family Scholarship Taylor Hensley

5 Larry Haney Memorial Scholarship Kayla Sewell

6 North Lee Ruritan Scholarship Chase Bynum

7 Ratterman-Shell Scholarship Laurel Allen

8 Rex Dockery Award Hayes Hooper& Seth Goudzward Not pictured….Hayes Hooper

9 Theodore Mackey Scholarship Sarah Wright

10 Wacher Chemie Scholarship Sarah Beaty

11 Air Force Award Rachel Hysni

12 Ronald McDonald House Lyndsay Parker

13 Army Awards Nicole Trikner-Clifton Salmon-Keifer Rakestraw

14 United States Marine’s Awards Laurel Allen-Dillon Koons-Sarah Beaty

15 U.S Navy Awards Elijah Walker & Deena Bivens

16 Cleveland State Presidential Cody Thrift-Samantha Pope

17 Cleveland State Whitney Tallent-Houston Yates-Kaitlyn Gaddis-Ragan Dunn-Haley Elliott

18 Cleveland State Kara Lance

19 Lee University-Deans Victoria Betts

20 Lee University-Leadership Hannah Wilds-Lyndsay Parker

21 Cleveland State-TN Scholars Aubrey Strickland-Briana Rogers-Duggan Cannon

22 Lee University-Athletic Scholarships Jordan Neuharth-Laurel Allen

23 Lee University Victoria Betts-Laura Benson

24 Lee University Collin Brooks-Ragan Dunn

25 Lee University Logan McAmis-Kristi Klohs

26 Lee University Michael Rollins-Ashley Sederquist

27 Lee University Megan Simpson-Hannah Wilds

28 Lee University Jossiah Augustine-?Allison Ciamei

29 Lee University Dayla Cole-Jonathan Clark

30 Lee University Misty Fain-Jessica Evans

31 Lee University Hillary Knight-Jordan Neuharth

32 Lee University Shelby Panky-Tiffany Sherlin

33 Lee University Dillon Radar-Jordan Willcutt

34 Lee University Drew Strike-Josiah Augustine

35 Tennessee Technology Center of Athens Jake Blackburn

36 Tennessee Wesleyan College Drew Zaleta-Cody Godfrey-Courtney Young

37 University of Tennessee-Chattanooga

38 Art Institute—Nashville Tiffany Williams

39 Auto Zone Jordan Willcutt

40 Birmingham Southern College—Baseball Colton Ward

41 Calhoun Alumni Scholarship Hillary Knight & Kayla Sewell

42 ETSU Misty Fain

43 Masterfoods Scholarship Sarah Wright

44 Portuguese National Club Scholarship Jordan Neuharth

45 TASCO Will Carder

46 Taylor Ruritan Haley Elliot

47 UTK Chancellors Honors Program Alex Harvey

48 Business Department Award Ashley Davis

49 Engineering Department Awards Mardi Blackman (Architecture) Jacob Jackson (Mechanical)

50 DEKALB Agriculture Achievement Kolbie Calton

51 Dream Catcher Derike Cliff

52 Foreign Language Josiah Augustine

53 Math & Science Sarah Beaty, Jonathan Clark,Seth Goudzward

54 Social Studies Jordan Willcut

55 Wellness Laurel Allen

56 Beta Club Members


58 FCA Leadership Award

59 National Honor Society

60 Engineering-Technology

61 Student Government Association Katey Retzlaff

62 Tennessee Scholars

63 Honors Students – White Cord

64 Honors Students – Honor Gold

65 Honors Students – White and Gold Cord

66 Senior Circle of Champions

67 Top Dual Path Student Jordan Willcut

68 Top University Path Student Sarah Beaty

69 Valedictorian & Salutatorian Sarah Beaty & Jordan Willcut

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