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The Nature of Counter Terror Efforts Against: The Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam.

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1 The Nature of Counter Terror Efforts Against: The Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam

2 The Nature The nature of counter terrorism efforts against the LTTE is made clear though a series interventions, from both domestic and international institutions. The Sri Lankan military first mounted Operation Liberation (OL) India stepped in initially aided rebels they maneuvered the Sri Lankan government into the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord (ISLA) Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) sent to aid the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) against the rebels. Support from Norway. Negotiations enacted a short-lived Cease Fire Agreement (CFA). These counter terror measures ultimately resulted in the harsh Sri Lankan Army Offensive (SLAO) that ended the LTTE in May 2009.

3 The Sri Lankan military first mounted Operation Liberation (OL) The Sri Lankan military first mounted Operation Liberation (OL), a major military offensive against the rebels. The LTTE held a powerful and full militia May to June 1987, the Sri Lankan military carried out Operation Liberation (OL)

4 India’s Role Geo-political forced India to act India to back the rebels, providing arms, training and monetary support to the LTTE. The second stage of OL ended with Operation Poomalai (OP). Indian droped humanitarian relief supplies to Jaffna civillians Led into the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord (ISLA)

5 Negotiations & Intl. Support The negotiations of the ISLA put an end to OL Stipulations granted some regional autonomy to Tamil forces in the North and East. Entrusted the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to suppress rebel violence, and see to their disarmament. Cease Fire Agreement CFA, December 2001 Norwegian Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM) CFA failed

6 End Game The Sri Lankan government withdrew from the CFA and launched the Sri Lankan Army Opperation (SLAO) 2009, the twenty-six year long civil war finally came to an end. On May 18, 2009, the twenty-six year long civil war finally came to an end.

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