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Warm-Up 5/8 Pick up the cartoon from the bin and answer this question on your warm-up sheet: Is this cartoon in favor of annexing Hawaii? How do you know?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up 5/8 Pick up the cartoon from the bin and answer this question on your warm-up sheet: Is this cartoon in favor of annexing Hawaii? How do you know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up 5/8 Pick up the cartoon from the bin and answer this question on your warm-up sheet: Is this cartoon in favor of annexing Hawaii? How do you know?

2 Review ◦ What countries did the US get involved in? ◦ What were three territories that we obtained? ◦ Why did the US get involved in imperialism? ◦ In your opinion, do you think the purchase of Alaska was a smart move? Why? ◦ Who was Liliuokalani?

3 Lesson Question Prior to the 1890s, how and why does the United States attempt to expand its influence?

4 Vocabulary Open Door Policy Spheres of Influence Insurrection Great White Fleet


6 Who & What Although China had it’s own ruler, it was weak and controlled by other nations. These “spheres of influence” limited trade between the U.S. and China

7 When, What & How - “Open Door Policy” In the fall of 1898, President McKinley and Secretary of State John Hay force an "open door" policy on the nations that control China. The policy would allow all trading nations access to the Chinese markets.

8 Why do you think the US would est. this policy?

9 “America Becomes a World Power” --China




13 Moving On! Spanish-American War

14 Take out your textbooks Open to page 346. Read from p. 346-355 stopping before “Filipinos Rebel” 1. Fill out the graphic organizer based on the reading 2. Complete the map activity with questions 3. Answer the questions based on the reading on the third page

15 Closer 3-2-1 about American Imperialism 3 things that you learned 2 things that you still quite don’t understand 1 thing you already knew

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