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 Policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations.

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2  Policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations

3  Secretary of State who purchased Alaska from Russia

4  Person sent to another country by a church to spread its faith

5  It was an important refueling point/port for ships headed to Asia

6  Bought from Russia for $7.2 million

7  First and only Hawaiian queen

8  A Cuban rebel who fought against the Spaniards

9  Style of journalism that exaggerates stories to get people interested and entices them to purchase the material (newspaper, magazine, etc.)  Hearst and Pulitzer

10  Ship sunk “supposedly” by Spain.  Pushed the US to go to war against Spain without any true evidence

11  “Remember the Maine”

12  US Naval officer who defeated the Spanish fleet during the Spanish American War in the Philippines

13  US President  Organized the Rough Riders  Responsible for the push to build the Panama Canal  “Speak softly and carry a big stick” – meaning the US would use military force if its interests were threatened

14  Volunteer cavalry group lead by Teddy Roosevelt  Fought in the Spanish American War

15  An agreement by Cuba which gave the US the right to intervene in their affairs

16  Ended the Spanish American War  Gave the US the right to govern the Philippines, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico

17  Group of Americans who were against imperialism

18  Areas where foreign nations claimed special rights and economic privileges

19  Promoted the Open Door Policy

20  No single country shall have full control of materials and trade in China

21  Chinese who were not pleased by the presence of foreigners taking their raw materials

22  1900 rebellion by the Boxers who fought along the Empress of China to get rid of foreign influence.  The Boxers lost

23  Canal through the Isthmus of Panama that connects the Pacific and Atlantic

24  Infectious disease spread by mosquitoes

25  Medicine given to those infected by malaria and yellow fever

26  Atlantic and Pacific  It cut travel time in half and prevented ships from going around the Southern tip of South America

27  US policy that didn’t allow European nations to interfere with South America

28  Allowed the US to interfere in South/Latin America

29  A small strip of land connect two larger bodies of land

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