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Nominalisation DECS Languages & Multicultural Education Portfolio Group Professional Development and Resource Materials for ESL.

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Presentation on theme: "Nominalisation DECS Languages & Multicultural Education Portfolio Group Professional Development and Resource Materials for ESL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nominalisation DECS Languages & Multicultural Education Portfolio Group Professional Development and Resource Materials for ESL

2 Nominalisation Text 1 The choir sang beautifully so the class applauded wildly. Text 2 The choir’s beautiful singing drew wild applause from the class.

3 Nominalisation adjective adverb verb noun pretty beauty quietly
silence evaporate evaporation

4 Nominalisation Text 1 The choir sang beautifully so the class applauded wildly. Text 2 The choir’s beautiful singing drew wild applause from the class.

5 Nominalisation : Noun groups
Text 1 The choir sang beautifully so the class applauded wildly. Text 2 The choir’s beautiful singing drew wild applause from the class.

6 Nominalisation : verbs and clauses
Text 1 The choir sang beautifully so the class applauded wildly. Text 2 The choir’s beautiful singing drew wild applause from the class.

7 The council decided to allow the building to be demolished even though the heritage committee was just about to debate whether it should be heritage listed or not. The Aurora Heritage Group has said that this has got to be the most appalling thing the council has ever done. Nominalised version The council’s decision to allow the demolition of the building prior to debate on its heritage listing has drawn a scathing rebuke from the Aurora Heritage Group.

8 Field: Language Scales: noun groups Scale 4
numbers: eight, four or five, ten percent describers: pretty, very pretty, good-looking classifiers: gas, electric, oil heater prepositions: on the box, under the box, in the box Scale 6 numbers: a quarter of describers: big, beautiful classifiers: state, federal government short prepositional phrases as qualifiers: “The man in the shop was …” Across the Scales there is increasing technicality in the numbers, describers and classifiers that can be added in front of a noun. You can see the increasing complexity across Scale 4 and 6. Qualifiers start in Scale 6 with simple prepositional phrases

9 Field: Language Scales: noun groups Scale 10
describers: the biggest, most colourful centre classifiers: the biggest, most colourful shopping centre more complex qualifiers: “It is the biggest, most colourful shopping centre located in the city” Scale 12 describers: the most important and exciting discoveries classifiers: the most important and exciting medical discoveries qualifiers: “One of the most important and exciting medical discoveries in recent times is …” in Scale 10 the describers and classifiers become more complex and the qualifiers include dependent clauses such as" located in the city" and prepositional phrases with more specific vocabulary as in," in recent times".

10 Field: Language Nominalisations Scale 6 Scale 8
understands a range of nominalisations and uses a limited range understands: movement, your turn, a good chance uses: “What’s your height?”, a lot of happiness, education Scale 8 understands a range of nominalisations and uses small range understands: possibility, allowance uses with varying degrees of accuracy: permission, ability Across Scale 6 to 8 there is a greater confidence in using nominalisations.

11 Field: Language Nominalisations Scale 10 Scale 12
Uses a small range of technical nominalisations with varying degrees of grammatical accuracy: evaporation, expansion Scale 12 Uses a range of increasingly abstract and technical nominalisations with increasing confidence: growth, risk, capability In Scale 10 and 12 there is growing confidence in technical nominalisations.

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