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Class of 2017 Current Sophs in Theater Class of 2018 Current Freshman in Gym.

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2017 Current Sophs in Theater Class of 2018 Current Freshman in Gym."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2017 Current Sophs in Theater Class of 2018 Current Freshman in Gym

2  We will look over your transcript  Check what you need for graduation  Select courses for next school year

3   PowerPoint available to view

4  Deb Castinado, Acad Counselor  Barb Bruns, College Counselor  Ellen White, Registrar

5  Presentation on graduation requirements & course offerings  Select courses for your junior year on course selection worksheet tonight  Review choices with parents  Next week in Theology class, register for courses in computer lab, bring worksheet to lab  Review final choices with parents, get signature and return to Acad Counseling

6 View:  Grad Requirements  Credits  Course history Report cards  NO PAPER COPIES  In Attachments  Can email for insurance

7 Parents Skyward Account Choose Online Enrollment Pay online for student(s)

8  detailed description of courses  prerequisites are listed **Four year plan worksheet for future planning on pg 13.

9  Scan through classes and credits  Let us know of any errors  66% means you lost credit

10  Your transcript  Course selection sheet with your name on the label  Course Availability list

11  Classes you are taking this semester  I assume and expect you to pass everything this semester.

12 REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED DEFICIENT Requirements are also listed in Program of Studies Book Page 2. Review this!

13 27 Acad. credits REQUIRED for Grad. Most have 10.5 now You will earn 3.5 this sem.

14 Credit Summary on Transcript Next: Select classes

15 You will take:  Theology III: Morality 1 st sem Theology of the Body 2 nd Should be circled

16 Check Skyward for your teacher’s recommendation for core courses. Go to Schedule, then Next Year.

17 You may take regular or honors. Honors: Need 86% or higher in current Honors English Or 94% or higher in Regular English

18 For Composition you may choose:  Composition 2 Regular 30315 Honors 30305 Electives:  J Comp pg. 21

19  Choose Amer Lit: Regular 030335 Honors 030306 Amer Media R30336 H30337 Pg. 21

20  Remember Honors English students will be tested on their summer reading during the 1 st day of their H English class.

21  Students in Honors Junior English will be able to test on the AP Eng exam in May 2016. Scores of 3-5 can earn college credit.  Honors English 4 students senior year can earn 6 hours college credit (Comp 1 and 2) from JCCC if they enroll in the courses in August of senior year. Requires a 19 Eng score on the ACT.

22  To qualify for honors, you need an 86% in current honors math class or 94% in current regular math class.  Teacher rec on Skyward  Page 43 flow chart


24 College Credit available through JCCC  College Algebra Math 171 (College Algebra)  H PreCalc/Trig Math 173 (Pre Calculus)  H Calc Math 241 (Calc 1)  H Calc Math 242 (Calc 2)  H Stats Math 181 (Stats) To Qualify:  College Alg: 25 on MATH ACT  Pre Calc/Trig: 26 on MATH ACT  Calc: 28 on MATH ACT  Stats: 26 on MATH ACT OR  Take COMPASS placement test at JCCC in Fall AP credit also available: Calc 1, Calc 2, Stats

25 CURRENT CLASS: Biology Chem SIGN UP FOR:  Chemistry  H Chemistry  Physics  H Physics

26 Some may be ready for 3 rd year of the language. 3 rd year honors=college credit

27  You need one credit of American Hist: Regular or Honors 70311 70301

28  Sociology.5 credit  Psychology.5 credit

29  If you haven’t taken P.E. 9, consider P.E. 9 for S1 and P.E. 10 for S2.  Only 1 extra credit of PE will count for graduation.

30  Technology Applications  Digital Creative Applications  Basic Programming  Desktop Publishing  Adv. Desktop Publishing  Fundamentals of Web Design  Video Creation and Editing ALL.5 Credits

31  Speech  Debate: Novice for beginners  Advanced Debate: Zero hour  H Adv. Debate: School day  Forensics: Zero hour or school day  Forensics: Non-Competitive

32 Visual Arts Found of Art.5 Interior Design.5 Drawing.5 Painting.5 Ceramics 1 & 2.5 Adv Draw/Paint.5 Drafting 1

33 Music Chorale 1 credit **Concert Choir 1 credit **Chamber Choir 1 credit **Show Choir 1 credit **Girl’s Show Choir 1 credit **Jazz Band 1 credit Band 1 credit **Must Audition

34 Performing Arts Intro to Theater.5 credit Acting 1.5 credit Adv Drama (prereq Act 1). 5 credit Stagecraft (instructor approval) 1 credit Adv. Stagecraft 1 credit

35 English electives  Multimedia News  Yearbook Pre/Co requisite: J Comp or H JComp, Desktop or Video Creation, an application and teacher approval

36 Practical Arts Foods/Adv. Foods.5 credit each Clothing 1/2 /3.5 credit each Interior Design.5 credit Drafting 1 credit Child Development.5 credit Weights.5 credit

37  Select additional courses to make a total of 7 credits.  All courses above graduation req will count as electives.

38  social studies  Business  Film as Lit  foods  child development  clothing  technology  more fine art classes

39  Theology1 credit  English 1 credit  Math 1 credit  Amer Hist 1 credit  Foreign Lang. 1 credit  Science 1 credit  Electives 1 credit

40  1 st Choice for Alternate  2 nd Choice for Alternate  Alternates are used if original courses do not mesh together

41  Before school MWF 7:15am-7:45am  Adv. Debate (fall)  Forensics (spring)  Show Choir (all year)  Jazz Band (all year)

42  Digital Creative Appl  Web Design  Speech  World History (1 st sem) Last page of Prog of Studies book pg. 71

43  Be accurate w/ choices  Administration uses your course choices to develop the master schedule, plan teacher needs

44  Next week in Theology class, you will go to the Computer Lab.  Bring your Course Selection Sheet with choices circled.  You will enter your course choices in the computer  You will receive a printout to be signed by parents  Return printout to Acad Counseling

45  March 6: The latest that your course selection printout can be turned in  Sheets will be date stamped to be used in case of a class overload  Master schedule developed  Counselors review your schedule to resolve conflicts  Receive schedule in August 2015

46 College Family Connection  College Family Connection is on the Web stasaints Student accounts- user name school email address, if not, request code Parent accounts – Contact BBruns ( or EWhite ( for registration code

47 KS public 4 year schools: Page 6 KSU, Pitt State, Emporia, Fort Hays, Wichita State  Complete Qual. Adm. Curr (pg. 6-8) w/ 2.0 GPA AND:  ACT score of 21 OR  SAT score of 980 OR

48 2.0+ GPA in the Kansas Qualified Admissions curriculum (3 years Math, 22 ACT Math score, or 4 years math) ANDKansas Qualified Admissions curriculum 3.0+ overall GPA and 24+ ACT or 3.25+ overall GPA and 21+ ACT If applicable, achieve a 2.0 GPA or higher on any college credit taken in high school KU Admission Requirements Class of 2016


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