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Next Steps February 8, 2014. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Steps February 8, 2014. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Steps February 8, 2014

2 “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

3 “ The pastor as spiritual leader is emerging as a much more dynamic and effective pastoral role than those of pastor as caregiver, teacher, and preacher.” Michael W. Foss, Power Surge, Fortress Press, page 37.

4 “Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.” Walt Disney

5 “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney



8 From Membership to Discipleship Six Critical Marks of Leadership Leading from Faith Seeing and Casting the Vision Contextualizing the Vision Aligning the Congregation to the Vision Continually Communicating the Vision Change Management

9 Ten Year Plan

10 Marks of Discipleship Daily Prayer Weekly Worship Bible Reading Service Spiritual Friendships Giving

11 “ I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things.” Walt Disney

12 Engaging Stewardship I Give Thanks to God with My Pledge of SERVICE ☐ I pledge to continue serving on my current committee______________________________________ ☐ I would be interested in the following service areas in the future: Christian Education: ☐ Teacher ☐ Substitute Teacher ☐ Clerical ☐ Child Care ☐ Crafts ☐ Library ☐ Youth Sponsors ☐ Vacation Bible School ☐ Mentor for Mentally Challenged Bible Study ☐ Small Group Leader ☐ Host a Bible Study ☐ Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Music: ☐ Choir ☐ Handbell Choir ☐ Soloist ☐ Pianist ☐ Organist ☐ Instrument ☐ Sound /Video Tech ☐ Praise Team ☐ Children’s Choir ☐ Youth Choir ☐ Other: __________________________________________________________ Office Assistance: ☐ Fold Circuit Rider ☐ Help with mailings ☐ Input data into computer ☐ Weekly counting crew ☐ Assemble Bulletin ☐ Other: _________________________________________________________________ Be sure to see the other side. Caring Ministries: ☐ Visit members ☐ Visit shut-ins ☐ Telephone visitors ☐ Hospital visitation ☐ Drive church van ☐ Work with senior citizens ☐ Food and kitchen duty ☐ Transportation ☐ Special projects and events ☐ Grief Care ☐ Stephen Ministry (50hrs. initial training) ☐ Other:______________________________________________________________ Building and Grounds Maintenance: ☐ Custodial ☐ Electrical ☐ Painting ☐ Planting ☐ Inside Maintenance ☐ Carpentry ☐ Other: ________________________________________________________ Special Services: ☐ Usher ☐ Lector ☐ Greeter ☐ Communion Steward ☐ Pew Committee ☐ Other:__________________ Serve on a committee: ☐ Missions ☐ Education ☐ Youth Ministry ☐ Worship ☐ Evangelism ☐ Memorial ☐ Church Council ☐ Trustees ☐ Finance ☐ Scrip ☐ Staff Parish Relations ☐ Endowment ☐ Other:______________________________________ I would like to volunteer for special projects: ☐ Yard work ☐ Funeral dinners ☐ Cleaning ☐ Handyman repairs ☐ Meals in time of need ☐ Photography ☐ Periodic kitchen cleaning ☐ Work on special fundraisers ☐ Other: _________________________________________________________________ ☐ I would like to speak to the pastor about service areas. Signed ___________________________________________________

13 100 Plus Ways to Serve

14 “The way to get started is to quit talking about it and begin doing.” Walt Disney

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