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WELCOME to the Glenn High School CHORUS Department!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the Glenn High School CHORUS Department!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the Glenn High School CHORUS Department!!!!

2 Varsity Women – 2nd period B-day
Auditioned 10th-12th Grade Girls

3 Men’s Ensemble – 1st Period B-day

4 Women’s Choir – 1st A-Day and 4th a-day

5 Concert Choir – 3rd A-day
Auditioned 10th-12th Grade Boys and Girls

6 VOCAL POINT– 3rd Period B-Day

7 Glenn High School Performing Arts
A Tradition of Excellence

8 15 Years of Superior Ratings at North Carolina Music Performance Adjudications
1st place: Disney, Universal Studios, Heritage Festivals in Washington and New York, King’s Dominion, Busch Gardens 1st in the Nation: Cruise Festivals Carnegie Hall and National Cathedral Music Educators Conference American Choral Directors Conference High Point University, East Carolina, Greensboro College, Bel Canto Governor’s Mansion, Biltmore House, Mayor’s Open House, State Capitol Kernersville Businesses and Clubs

9 How will you continue the tradition of excellence?

10 Grading Policy 35 / 25/ 20 / 20 35 = Participation Grade
25 = Performances** 20 = Homework/Classwork 20 = Tests

11 Classroom Rules Cell Phones (1, 2, 3) Student Record / Hall Passes
How am I contributing to my learning and to the success of the group?

12 Supplies ALL CLASSES – Pencil Men’s and Women’s Scarf/Tie ($10)
Theory Book ($14) 2-Pocket Folder Varsity Women Dress ($80) Shirt (app. $15) Folder and Music (It’s free until you lose it)

13 Concert Expectations Arrive on Time and stay for the ENTIRE concert
Dress Appropriately 3 weeks notice – 0 – Project for 85% No Cell Phones Perfect Audience Behavior

14 Concerts 7PM Monday, October 20th Thursday, December 18th
Tuesday, March 10th Tuesday, May 5th Saturday, May 16th (6:30) ***Available on website, syllabus, bulletin board*** Admission: $5 (14 and older); $3 (5-13); FREE (4 and under)


16 Mother / Daughter Choir


18 Extra Chorus Opportunities
All Optional Will help to complete honors credit requirements (Varsity Women) NC Honors Workshop!

19 Where are we going? VARSITY WOMEN: Chicago / Disney World (Orlando) ??? Parent Meeting: Monday, Sept. 22nd Men’s and Women’s King’s Dominion / Busch Gardens (Memorial Day Weekend) Parent Meeting TBA FUNDRAISERS (how do I handle money?) Sign up for Wake games TONIGHT Candy Bars Fruit Cookie Dough Spreadsheet

20 I Communicate : ) Celly @womenschoir1415, @varsitywomen1415 to 23559 Are you getting my s? Website: Glenn High School / Staff Websites / Carol Earnhardt

21 Things to Do Try on a used dress (Varsity Women)
Turn in Mother / Daughter interest form (Women’s Choir Only) Sign-up for Honors Chorus Workshop Sign-up for Wake Games Make a Friend

22 Honors Credit Varsity Women ONLY Student is Responsible A becomes a B

23 Varsity Women Only Honor Court Solo Policy (Attendance) Senior Showcase (all attend – performance grade)

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