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March 30, 2014 Congregational Meeting. Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team – came out of Stewardship Team. Composed.

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Presentation on theme: "March 30, 2014 Congregational Meeting. Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team – came out of Stewardship Team. Composed."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 30, 2014 Congregational Meeting

2 Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team Faithful at 50 Ad Hoc Finance Team – came out of Stewardship Team. Composed of Danny Burton, Ryan Jones, Kerry Richmond, Dan Cash, Kip and Lianne Wright. Worked with the Church Council to establish guidelines and the Council determined the priorities

3 The Vision A church body that is debt-free and is able to maintain and improve the facility through moneys set aside going forward. Several existing projects are funded and addressed. The facility is equipped and ready to serve the community as we honor the work of those who have gone before.

4 Five Specific Emphases Debt-retirement - $50,000 from 1997 and 2009 building projects Outreach – 10% of all monies above debt pay down Front “Bridge” Entrance - $30,000 Approach to front entrance, walkway, and retaining wall Landscaping – $70,000 Renew and replace 50 year old trees and bushes and refresh look within an overall landscaping plan Pianos - $25,000 Replace pianos in the sanctuary and choir loft that have outlived their useful lives.

5 Debt Retirement Two loans (one from 1997 and one from 2009) totaling approximately $50,000 Monthly debt service of $3200 to retire the debt on a five year amortization. We could repurpose the monthly building fund giving to building a capital fund for future building needs and other ministry.

6 Outreach 10% of all giving above debt retirement for ministries like: – “Sweet Potatoes” concert to be held June 29 th – MCLE neighborhood survey – “Heritage Day” - celebrating our roots

7 Front Approach Crumbling Concrete Exposed Rebar Loose Light Fixtures

8 Front Approach Sloping Sidewalk Sand sliding down to lower wall

9 Front Approach Plan Replace bridge surface Refurbish hand rails Attach light fixtures Build retaining walls and new sidewalk Re-slope hill and replace landscaping Rebuild steps to lower door Cost$31,000

10 Landscaping Over 50 Years The spruces have lost all their lower branches.. The walnuts are scarred and near the end of life.. The maples and other trees have physical damage and disease.. Several beech have died over the past few years. The crab apples along the parking lot have become tangled, bare trees

11 Landscaping Twisted Limbs Walnut Damage Trees to be removed

12 Landscaping Estimate Removal of old trees New Trees and Shrubs Tree trimming, raise canopy Sprinkler System Sidewalk, signage, grading Contingencies $20,000 $15,000 $ 6,000 $10,000 $ 5,000 $71,000

13 Pianos Grand Piano – Purchased new in 1965 – Tuned twice per year, but recently has not been reliable – Has water damage from leakage – Currently worth $2500 on trade – Key action wear is advanced

14 Pianos Choir Loft Piano Donated new in 1978 Tuned twice per year, but recently has not been reliable Currently worth $500 on trade Key action wear is advanced

15 Pianos New Grand$20,400 net trade New Choir Loft piano$ 3,850 net trade Plus delivery$ 295 Total$24,545

16 How Can You Be A Part? Pray for our church and our One Day Giving Challenge Determine your financial participation Celebrate with us all that God has done, is doing and will do through First Baptist Church!! Second Meeting – April 27 th to discuss Giving Options

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