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The Postdoc/Mentor Relationship. Outline What are mentors and who will yours be? Setting expectations for your mentor What expectations your mentor has.

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Presentation on theme: "The Postdoc/Mentor Relationship. Outline What are mentors and who will yours be? Setting expectations for your mentor What expectations your mentor has."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Postdoc/Mentor Relationship

2 Outline What are mentors and who will yours be? Setting expectations for your mentor What expectations your mentor has of you The Postdoc/Mentor Compact Picking a Lab/Changing Labs

3 Who are your mentors? Research Mentors –Your PI –Collaborators –Other postdocs Life mentors –People whose advice you trust –People who have succeeded at what you want to do

4 Compact between you and your mentor A statement of reasonable expectations For your mentor and for you –Ensure that a mutually agreed upon set of expectations are in place at the outset of the postdoc training period and are reviewed and revised periodically. –Develop a research project that includes well- defined goals and timelines. –Maintain a relationship that is based on trust and mutual respect

5 What should you expect from your PI? guidance and mentoring and a desire improve their mentoring skills a training environment that is suited to your individual needs to ensure personal and professional growth. Provide sufficient opportunities to acquire the skills necessary to become an expert in the chosen field of study. Provide regular feedback (at least once per month) on the postdoc’s performance Ensure that your research is submitted for publication in a timely manner and that appropriate credit is given for the work performed. Acknowledge your contribution to the development of any intellectual property

6 What will your PI expect from you Perform research conscientiously, maintain comprehensive research records, and catalog and store tangible research materials. Assume progressive responsibility and management of my research project(s) as it matures and stay abreast of the literature related to my field of research. Seek regular feedback (at least once per month) on my performance from my mentor. Work with my mentor to submit research results for publication in a timely manner. Leave behind all original notebooks, computerized files, and tangible research materials so that other individuals can carry on related research after I leave the lab

7 Qualities to Consider when Selecting a Lab Science and a project you’re passionate about Matching expectations between postdoc and mentor Career decisions Time – yours and theirs Trust and respect Money

8 Science The science is interesting and you can work reasonably independently Are there projects you can develop on your own – you can think of these as well Consider the next step (job) –How will my mentor help me find the right job –What if my mentor is not interested in helping

9 Matching Expectations Match your expectations for a PI with a realistic assessment about whether the PI can meet them or not Match your PI’s expectations for you with a realistic assessment about whether you can meet them or not Match your “personality” to that of the lab. Mentor and lab personalities are diverse

10 What expectations you should have for your mentor One who is interested in being your mentor A training environment where you can grow as a scientist Opportunities to develop skills Regular feedback Timely publication of your results and acknowledgement of your contributions

11 What expectations should your mentor have for you Dedication of time and effort toward your research Careful data management Responsibility for your research (analysis of data and generation of new ideas) – own your project Seek regular feedback and communicate what you are doing Provide data and text for publications and grants in a timely manner Understand data and materials ownership

12 Expectations about Career The major responsibility of mapping out your career falls on you See where postdocs who leave the PI’s lab go next. Is it where you think you want to go? Which of your mentors will help with developing your career –Doing research (generating ideas, experiments, analysis) –Writing –Speaking –Where to look for a job –Alternative career choices PI, Collaborators, Colleagues

13 Expectations about Time How much time will you need from your PI, now and later, and is it likely you will get it. –How often do you want/need supervision or direction? –Is the PI likely to provide that –Are there additional mentors in the lab (and outside it) where I can get the direction/supervision I need How much of my time does the lab need? –How does that fit with other demands on my time –How does it fit with my personal life –How do you balance those demands Pay Off –Publications –Good next position

14 Expectations about Trust and Respect Trust and respect are usually earned rather than given Communicate what you are doing –Be a careful with your work –Come up with your own analysis of your results rather than just presenting data –Think of different/alternative approaches –If you must be out of the lab for some reason be sure and tell your PI

15 Money The most stable sources of money are fellowships Postdocs cannot submit research grants at BCM, but you can participate with your PI in writing theirs

16 Potential downstream pitfalls Changing labs –When the mentor/postdoc relationship fails –Finding a new PI

17 What to expect of your other mentors Recommendation Letters Need to network with other faculty so that multiple people can describe your qualifications Help with career advice –Provides multiple views and advice

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