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Presentation on theme: "Optimisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimisation

2 Optimisation Simplex Steepest ascent

3 Response surface for an experimental system
Optimum U1 U2 At the outset of an experimental study the location of the optimum is not known.

4 Optimisation by Simplex search I
Optimum U1 U2 1 3 2 4 Starting simplex and the first move from the poor conditions

5 Optimisation by Simplex search II
Optimum U1 U2 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 8 12 Progression of the simplex towards the optimum conditions.

6 First order response surface and path of steepest ascent.
Region of fitted first order response surface

7 Response Surface Modelling (RSM)

8 Central Composite Design
Three parts: 1. Factorial or reduced factorial design Estimate of main effects and interactions 2. At least one center point experiment Possible to reveal curvature and estimate the experimental error 3. Experiments  on the variable axes Possible to estimate quadratic terms

9 Central composite rotatable design for two variables

10 Central composite rotatable design for three variables
Number of experiments: = 18

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