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The Claimant Commitment. A Prime Contractor’s Viewpoint George Selmer, Contract Director (North West) G4S Welfare to Work.

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Presentation on theme: "The Claimant Commitment. A Prime Contractor’s Viewpoint George Selmer, Contract Director (North West) G4S Welfare to Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Claimant Commitment. A Prime Contractor’s Viewpoint George Selmer, Contract Director (North West) G4S Welfare to Work

2 Committed partners?  Universal Credit IS the way forward:  Genuinely exciting opportunity to radically change the incentives within the benefit system to properly reward work  A simpler, better understood system will remove the disincentives to taking up employment  The Claimant Commitment is central to this  It should change the relationship between the ‘claimant’ and the state BUT  Change to the ‘employment support’ environment must go hand in hand with change to benefit environment  Claimant Commitment represents an opportunity to properly embed a culture of rights and responsibilities  It is important to drive changes on both sides of the ‘R and R’ coin  If the benefit system is going to treat people more and more as individuals, the employment support environment must do that

3 If we get the Claimant Commitment right…  We will have a benefit and employment support environment which:  Is a genuine contract between citizen and state  Is a fair balance of the right to support and the responsibility to seek work and contribute  Is able to treat each individual differently, tailoring the level of support (financial and otherwise) and the level of expectation according to their need, circumstance and ability to work  Can enable UK Public Employment Service providers to support more people into sustained work

4 What we know works  Identification of jobseekers needs from the outset  Robust and reliable front-end assessment  A ‘Black Box’:  Tailored, personalised interventions rather than a rigid, tick-box set of activities, some of which might be inappropriate  All activity should be: practical and essential AND based on what we know works  A clear focus on outcomes rather than inputs  This means putting the right incentives in place both for jobseekers and the people tasked with supporting them We need to ensure that the Claimant Commitment reinforces these fundamentals

5 The risks of the Claimant Commitment  Too much focus on responsibilities and not enough on supporting individuals– more ‘I’ than ‘we’  Too much focus on INPUTS rather than OUTCOMES  Focus on quantity of activity rather than quality or appropriateness of intervention  Focus on monitoring compliance with instructions (‘are the boxes ticked’?) rather than delivering positive interventions  A bureaucracy that feeds on itself?  Lack of resource in the UK PES system to either:  Deliver more and better tailored support to claimants  Adequately monitor compliance  What happens when claimants move onto the Work Programme?  Danger of claimant running on two separate tracks – inefficient for taxpayer, bad for claimant  Can’t allow providers to become another ‘compliance monitoring’ service – of an agreement they do not own

6 Recommendations for success… Trust Work Programme providers and delegate authority  Providers MUST be allowed to deliver the support they judge is best for the claimant – and be judged on their results  Claimant Commitment should be ‘to participate in the Work Programme as required by my provider’  OR Claimant Commitment is to be agreed with Work Programme provider – not separately with JCP Advisor

7 Recommendations for success… Make use of the resource available  Earlier access to Work Programme for those at risk of long term unemployment  If additional resource is required to deliver increasingly tailored support then the DEL-AME financial model ensures value for money for the taxpayer – providers shoulder the risk of failure  Early diagnostics and intervention are key to preventing long term worklessness – and reducing the long term cost of Universal Credit

8 Recommendations for success… Incentivise Work Programme to become even more flexible Reforming the differential payments model  Payment groups become redundant under UC  Alternatives:  Time spent claiming (cumulatively over period rather than concurrently)  Use of assessment tool to identify needs/resource need to support from the outset – ‘Jobseeker Classification Instrument’  Be bolder with the DEL-AME model - more resource to help those jobseekers with the most significant barriers to work, in exchange for less for those with the least

9 Recommendations for success… Don’t confuse the landscape Work Programme must remain the only post-JCP employment programme run by the government  Don’t go back to the confusion of New Deal for X, Y and Z  We want to treat individuals as individuals – that means a Black Box, not a different programme for everyone Work Programme

10 Recommendations for success… Encourage better integration between services  Learn from ESF Family Support Programme and incentivise ‘progress’ as well as Job Outcome?  Far fewer prime contractors to increase cohesion in the supply chain network?  Work Programme primes to administer ESF and SFA funds to join-up services according to need in each area?  Joined-up incentives – Jobcentre Plus and Work Programme providers to share Job Outcome measure?

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