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GeoSpatial MultiState Archive and Preservation Partnership State and Local Agency Geospatial Resources Content Transfer, Demonstration, and Learning Project.

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Presentation on theme: "GeoSpatial MultiState Archive and Preservation Partnership State and Local Agency Geospatial Resources Content Transfer, Demonstration, and Learning Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 GeoSpatial MultiState Archive and Preservation Partnership State and Local Agency Geospatial Resources Content Transfer, Demonstration, and Learning Project A Partnership with the National Digital Information Infrastructure Program NDIPP Annual Conference Arlington, Virginia June 8-10, 2008 Kentucky North Carolina Utah

2 NDIIPP   U.S. Library of Congress Digital Preservation Initiative   Identify and preserve “at-risk” digital content   Develop a national collection and preservation strategy   Support development of improved tools, models, and methods for digital preservation   Work with industry, government agencies, libraries, research institutions and not-for-profit entities   Funds made available for matching grants

3 Why Archive Geospatial Data? Commonly Understood Processes

4 Why Archive Geospatial Data? Shoreline/Climate change


6 Why Archive Geospatial Data?  Legal and regulatory processes  Potential role in Continuity of Operations Plans  Increase opportunity for temporal analysis  Cultural Heritage (Sanborn maps)  Significant Public Investments  The Added Value of a an Organized Accessible National Collection is Compelling

7 Geospatial Content   Elevation   Aerial Imagery   Structures   Infrastructure   Place Names   Hazards   Landslide Zones   Flood Insurance   Derived   Impervious   Green   Real Time Gages

8 Geospatial Content   Geospatial content emerging in many things we do   Initial problem of preserving digital map layers, now also must consider the new problem of preserving the location element of many business processes

9 Geospatially Enabled and Operational Content

10 Geospatial Problem Area Not About Content Only   Theme Layer   Analysis Process   Software   Business Data   Output Record   Cartographic   Web Services   Metadata

11 Collaborative Geospatial Community Graphic Courtesy of NASCIO and ESRI

12 Statewide Governance

13 NDIIPP “Born Digital” Content Geo

14 NCGDAP Engages Community

15 GeoMAPP One of Four MultiState Partnerships  Legislative Records  Publications, Agency and Court Records  Vital Records, Land Ownership, Web- based Reports  Geospatial Content  Twenty-One States

16 Multi-State Geo-Archival Partnership Demonstration and Learning

17 Desired Outcomes  Collect and provide access to important information for Congress, others  Model best practices within a distributed digital preservation network  INTERSTATE and INTRASTATE content movement  Catalyze collaboration among/between state CIOs, librarians, archivists, as well as other partners, stakeholder associations, and industry (ESRI, OGC)  Demonstrate and document concrete, repeatable results  Broad sharing of lessons learned  Provide a focus for stewardship of state and local government digital information within a larger national context

18 Key Issues / Components  Content Selection (which content is needed)  Inventory of geospatial content  Integrating geospatial content into archival systems (process and frequency)  Managing/tracking content once archived  Flow of content between states  Role of Metadata in the above processes

19 State Level Preservation Challenges  Capability are resource-limited  Authority is dispersed  Efforts hampered by current funding and staffing models  Digital information not always available; often replaced or removed from the Internet  Digital and print versions not always equivalent

20  Status of State GIS at project outset  Governance and Community  Profile State DB  Profile of activity with Retention/Archives  Status of State Archive  Authority  Status of Digital Archive Program  Profile of activity with GIS office(s)  Focus of Project Activity (Month 0-6)  Near Term Next Steps (Month 6-12) State Partner Profile

21 Commonwealth of Kentucky   Governance of the KYGEONET:   Commonwealth Office of Technology; Office of Enterprise Policy and Project Management; Division of Geographic Information   Supported by over a dozen “responsible” publishers   KYGEONET System:   Centralized ESRI system with internet portal viewer   487 published items   250 + layers in KyVector   Over 25 layers published to the National Map via GOS GIS at the Project Outset

22   Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) electronic records activities   Active in electronic records for 20 years   Archives and records management operation includes electronic records   Electronic Records Working Group and Guidelines   Participation in numerous grant projects   Electronic Records Archives created 2003   GIS activities with KDLA   Records retention schedule established   Transfer of some selected shape files from 2 periods   KDLA representative on GIS Stewards group KDLA and Electronic Records

23   Focus of Project Activity (Month 0-6)   Project planning in Kentucky   Learning about GIS system   Presentation at Kentucky Technology and Best Practices Conferences   Meeting with the other state partners   Constructing a wiki Kentucky Project Activity

24   Plan to archive KY Vector database quarterly   Purchase of large data store   Additional presentations and outreach to appropriate groups   Examine approaches of other states   Compare identified archival layers with UT & NC   Match layers with agencies’ retention schedules Kentucky Project Activity  Near Term Next Steps (Month 6-12)

25 ► Governance of the Utah Geospatial Infrastructure  Department of Technology Services / State CIO  Automated Geographic Reference Center  Utah GIS Advisory Committee  Supported by dozens of “responsible” partners ► State Geographic Information Database (SGID) : ► State Geographic Information Database (SGID) :  Centralized shared database (350 data themes)  Internet portal viewer (GIS.UTAH.GOV)  Web Services and applications (MAPSERV.UTAH.GOV) State of Utah

26 ► Utah State Archives electronic records activities  Active in electronic records for 10 years  Archives and records management operation includes electronic records  Electronic records business case developed through legislative funding  Ongoing strategic discussions with Utah’s Dept. of Technology Services ► GIS activities with Utah State Archives  Records retention schedules established  Application development done to correlate GIS datasets with finding aids KDLA and Electronic Records State of Utah

27 ► Focus of Project Activity (Month 0-6)  Project planning in Utah  Meeting with the other state partners  Learning about GIS system and Archive process  Identifying and inventorying specific datasets for inclusion in Archives’ holdings -Developing process and architecture for preservation State of Utah Web-Based Inventory Tool

28  Plan to archive Utah Vector datasets as determined by retention schedule  Acquire funding for ongoing storage needs  Presentations and outreach to appropriate groups  Examine approaches of other states  Compare identified archival layers with KY & NC  Match layers with agencies’ retention schedules, link to general schedules Kentucky Project Activity ► Near Term Next Steps (Month 6-12) State of Utah Archive’s Database Geo-spatial Data Entry Tool

29 State of NC Governance of GIS: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Geographical Information Coordinating Council Supported by over 17 State agencies and 90 counties  NC ONEMAP System: ESRI viewer system linked via WMS to decentralized unique data providers 342 items available via OneMap viewer 208 layers available via centralized FTP (107 vector, 98 raster) 478 data layer records inventoried statewide by NC GIS Inventory (Ramona)

30   NCAR electronic records activities   Active in electronic records for 20 years   Archives and records management operation includes electronic records   Work with Secretary of State and ERC, GICC Preservation and Access Working Group   Publish guidelines   Participate in grant projects   Began accepting electronic records in 2001   GIS activities with NCAR   Began discussions with NC State and CGIA 2 years ago   NCAR representatives on GICC Preservation and Access Working Group NCAR and Electronic Records

31 Project Steps Focus of Project Activity (Month 0-6)  Project planning  Meeting with the other state partners  Learning about GIS system and Archive process  Identifying and inventorying specific datasets for inclusion in Archives’ holdings -Developing process and architecture for preservation   Compare identified archival layers with UT & NC   Match layers with agencies’ retention schedules   Purchase larger data store   Transfer of content within and between states

32 Engage Community  National GIS Inventory  NSDI, NGAC, FGDC  Governance Community  Survey Instruments  Archives and Long Term Access Committee

33   Plan to ingest content packages and sets of CGIA information   Purchase of large data store   Additional presentations and outreach to appropriate groups   Examine approaches of other states   Compare identified archival layers with UT & KY   Survey and outreach to match layers with agencies’ retention schedules North Carolina Project Activity  Near Term Next Steps (Month 6-12)

34 Geo Archives Surveys ► 4 Targeted Communities:  NC County and Municipal GIS contacts  NC State Agency geospatial data creators  NSGIC  CoSA/ NAGARA ► Common themes across surveys ► Focus on “at risk” geospatial data layers

35 Early Survey Results ► State Agency  58 responses from 6 departments  50% are archiving geospatial data  Awareness of archives/ business drivers ► Local Government  61% of counties and 64% of towns responded  69% are archiving geospatial data  Business drivers

36 Additional Engagement  NSGIC  NAGARA  COSA  NASCIO  Intra State Communities (like Anne’s Committee  Industry (OGC, ESRI, Reference WG)

37 What’s next! Zsolt Nagy, North Carolina Kelly Eubank, North Carolina Glen McAninch, Kentucky Dennis Goreham, Utah Steve Morris, North Carolina

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