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National Alcohol Focus: what’s happening currently ? Andrew Zielinski Senior Policy Adviser Crime Prevention Unit Ministry of Justice 12 February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "National Alcohol Focus: what’s happening currently ? Andrew Zielinski Senior Policy Adviser Crime Prevention Unit Ministry of Justice 12 February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Alcohol Focus: what’s happening currently ? Andrew Zielinski Senior Policy Adviser Crime Prevention Unit Ministry of Justice 12 February 2009

2 Overview Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill Law Commission review of the regulatory framework for the sale and supply of liquor National Alcohol Action Plan Griffith University/Wellington research on preventing violence in and around licensed premises

3 Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill Bill reinstated - should get first reading by July 2009 Incorporates the Liquor and Young People Bill Key components: –addressing youth drinking –increasing community input into licensing process –restricting premises that may sell liquor –regulating advertising

4 Law Commission review of regulatory framework for alcohol sale and supply Review of how best to regulate to reduce harm Terms of reference: –examine current laws and policies relating to alcohol sale, supply and consumption –formulate a revised policy framework on principles to regulate alcohol sale, supply and consumption, considering present and future social conditions and needs –consider a wide range of options including price, tax, purchasing age, outlets, advertising etc. Commission to publish consultation paper before end 2009 and final report with draft legislation by end 2010 Comments:

5 National Alcohol Action Plan Nation-wide action plan to prevent and reduce alcohol- related harm – led by Ministry of Health (IACD) Strategic direction to align existing plans, policies, activities and interventions across sectors/settings Actions to reduce harm up to 2012 and responsibility for leading and contributing Health Minister supports Plan – Health in discussion with Minister on potential approaches Draft Plan released last year on NDP website: – consultation closed Nov 08 Submission analysis report due shortly - IACD to review Plan and finalise mid/late 2009

6 Wellington research on preventing violence in and around bars Wellington - site for a comprehensive prevention model to sustain violence reduction Linked to work by Prof. Ross Homel (Griffith University) – book: Raising the Bar, 2008 Model includes: –Safer Bars training/risk assessments –randomised & targeted police enforcement using last drinks data –understanding by stakeholders of the local ecology, industry climate and regulatory systems (responsive regulation framework) –sustainability mechanisms built in from the outset –community coalitions/action groups suitable to local conditions –local partnerships oriented to evidence –balance of formal, informal and self regulation Stage 1: 2008/09 select and ‘fit’ a model in 4-5 sites in NZ & Aust. Stage 2: trial model 5-7 years at each site

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