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Derby Pride Trust Derby Moor Community Sports College/Derby Pride Academy Our Masters Programme with University of Derby.

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Presentation on theme: "Derby Pride Trust Derby Moor Community Sports College/Derby Pride Academy Our Masters Programme with University of Derby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derby Pride Trust Derby Moor Community Sports College/Derby Pride Academy Our Masters Programme with University of Derby

2 Our first 4 co-horts Cohort 1Cohort 2Cohort 3Cohort 4 PrincipalTeacher ScienceTeacher ITTeacher Technology Senior TeacherG&T Co-ordinatorTeacher MusicTeacher IT Middle Leader PESupport staffTeacher ScienceTeacher Art Assistant Vice Principal Learning SupervisorHLTATeacher /Behaviour Support StaffData AdministratorMiddle Leader Middle Leader Science Teacher English Total 6466

3 A Masters Level Profession “The evidence from around the world shows us that the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of a school system is the quality of its teachers. The best education systems draw their teachers from the most academically able, and select them carefully to ensure that they are taking only those people who combine the right personal and intellectual qualities.” “These systems train their teachers rigorously at the outset, focusing particularly on the practical teaching skills they will need. At each stage of their career, and especially as they move into leadership positions, teachers in the highest performing systems receive further focused training and development.”

4 A Masters Level Profession In response to Government's statements about raising the quality and status of teaching. We feel strongly that making teaching a master's level profession would help to achieve this goal. We know from research that master's level study is important not only for raising the status and professionalism of teaching but also in helping people to become better teachers.

5 Derby Pride Trust

6 Who are our Partners?

7 Moral Purpose UoD as Trust Partners Working together on a clear set of priorities could sustain waves of reform in our schools, leading from incremental innovations to our existing practice but eventually leading to more radical solutions that combine better learning and public services with more capacity for self-organising solutions.

8 Personal benefits!!! Studying at Masters level and being a Principal is demanding and not for the faint hearted! Helped rationalise and develop my thinking about strategic direction Broadened my learning around key areas of my post and education in the UK (especially politically). I have enjoyed being a ‘study buddy’ with some of my staff

9 What did I focus on? Distributed Leadership within Secondary Schools – ensuring school improvement, sustainability and successful leadership in times of challenge and change. An analysis of my wider professional practice as Principal within a developing Trust provision. An investigation in to the impact of the formation of Trusts around state schools on the strategic development and leadership challenges of these schools.

10 What did I focus on? Do test-based accountability models improve standards in educational outcomes? Should high stakes, standards based reforms be the best mechanism for securing school improvement? Developing Cognitive Learning approaches within a Science faculty to improve learning and teaching outcomes.

11 What have staff told us they have got out of this level of study? It has been intellectually rewarding – I have learned I am a capable academic I have enjoyed sharing ideas with other people... and taking what I have learned to use myself I have proved to myself that what I thought was good for my students is!!! I have got a lot out of the group sessions – different opinions and theories get you questioning how and why you do things

12 What have staff told us they have got out of this level of study? It has helped me expand my CV towards promotion I wanted to do a master's and I felt most comfortable doing through school – it has been helpful that the university have come out to work with us here. I am not sure I would have had the confidence to go back to university I thought ‘why have I started this?’, but it will be wonderful to have the qualification in the end!!

13 What has the school got out of it? Staff who feel valued – it does cost! Staff who are excited about the topics they are studying Improvement in practice and therefore outcomes for students Opportunities for staff to share their learning – directly and via their shared ‘ published’ outcomes Recognition for staff

14 What has the school got out of it? An opening up of wider discussion and development with other partners – such as other headteachers/teachers within our Trust Noted towards IiP accreditation Part of our succession planning Built a closer working relationship with the University which is leading to further consultancy: – Maximising leadership potential with the senior team – Improving low level behaviour management strategies and staff competence ranges – Supporting research – such as the impact of activities to support Pupil Premium student outcomes

15 Supporting Changes in School Organisation and Design Students’ identities and destinies are fluid Intelligence is multiple, plastic and learnable Education is lifelong ICT removes space and time barriers to knowledge Education services are designed to personalise learning Schools have distinctive ethos Schools diversify horizontally Public/private distinction is blurred The school of the future evolves adaptively Education is unconstrained by time and place Workforce has a complex structure Schools and teachers are embedded in networks Student voice is strong Education aims are many, complex and contested Change is a risky opportunity Education is user-led: the focus is on learning Leadership is unlimited and distributed Learning is the acquisition of essential competencies Curriculum is framed around themes Learning includes explicit learning how to learn Competencies are acquired through extended projects Assessment get progressively broader THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE ORGANISATION WE ARE CONSTRUCTING

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