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Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning: Building Community and Learning Together October 16 and 18, 2012 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning: Building Community and Learning Together October 16 and 18, 2012 3:30 – 4:30 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning: Building Community and Learning Together October 16 and 18, 2012 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

2 Goals for the Meeting To continue to provide a forum for sharing, learning and community-building between Growing Innovations project leaders To share plans related to Growing Innovation in 2012-2013. To provide a forum for project leaders to update others on plans for the year. To begin to surface and collect stories about the impact of projects on individuals, schools, communities,

3 Thoughts to Frame the Meeting We believe in the potential of Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning as a catalyst for further innovation. We believe that Growing Innovation can help build capacity across the system and prepare new ground for innovative practices. We recognize that there are numerous other examples of innovative practices throughout our system. We believe in this initiative, your projects and you, as project leaders. We believe that the design of Growing Innovation is consistent with current research on how change occurs….

4 The key to system-wide success is to situate the energy of educators and students as the central driving force. This means aligning the goals of reform and the intrinsic motivation of participants. Intrinsic energy derives from doing something well that is important to you and to those with whom you are working. – Michael Fullan The Promise of Growing Innovation

5 Schools are in the business of teaching and learning…and if they would learn to learn from each other their future would be secured. Paraphrased from Michael Fullan, OISE A Thought to Frame Our Plans for the Year

6 Growing Innovation: Into the Future Commitment to continue and deepen focus on innovation, grass roots leadership and learning from various projects. Lack of additional funding BUT funds in place for implementation of some “catalysts for learning” Possibility to apply for inquiry grants (Brent Munro message to superintendents this week)- Continued dialogue with Ministry (e.g. September 26 re diffusion framework): Attempts to obtain money for a followup learning symposium (May) Links to B.C. Education Plan: “Showcase” direction re examples.

7 Descriptors: B.C. Ed Plan 1) Personalized learning for every student 2) Quality teaching and learning 3) Flexibility and choice 4) High standards 5) Learning empowered by technology

8 Year 2: Sustaining Momentum and Growing  Commitment to growth and sustainability by going deeper with learning and capitalizing on the university research mandate/expertise: a) continued Elluminate sessions, etc. (October, January, March or April, June) b) research – Linda  Commitment to communication and dissemination of ideas in a variety of ways. Examples: a) Series of AdminFo articles (Linda, Pat and Terry) – Link sent. b) Presentation at Kootenay-Boundary Chapter meeting; potential for others c) Presentation at B.C.S.S.A. Educational Leadership Conference (Pat, Linda, Terry) d) November 14 – rural superintendents and other district staff invited to take part in structured conversation on system change. Question: Are there any presentations being done by project leaders?

9 Year 2: Sustaining Momentum and Growing  Work underway on several “catalysts for learning” to benefit project leaders and other districts. Intention to share planning principles and model with others.  Suggestion by Rural Education Advisory Committee members that we collect other examples of innovations and find ways to draw others into our community of learners.

10 Work with Project Leaders in 2012-2013: Deepening Connections and Learning Identifying stories re project impact Key question: What is tangible in terms of student learning as a result of your project? Identifying examples/perceptions/descriptions of innovation (Linda) Practical examples of what the 5 planning principles look like in practice Practical examples that link to key aspects of the B.C. Education Plan (grass roots)

11 Our Collective Inquiry and Potential Research Focus How do we diffuse and grow sustainable innovation across rural contexts in British Columbia?

12 Diffusion of Innovation Meta – myth: The private sector is innovative, the public sector is not. but innovation in the public sector tends to stay locked on location – hence the focus on diffusion, and It is critical to have a diffusion strategy from the outset. David Albury, Director, Innovation Unit, UK

13 A Planning Process to Support System Transformation.

14 How do we diffuse & grow sustainable innovation across rural contexts in BC? Things to pay attention to… Growing innovation Communicate & Disseminate Build Leadership capacity Planning Process Learning Forums & Tools

15 Engage Community Engage Community Practice Place- Conscious Learning Nurture Purposeful Student Engagement Nurture Purposeful Student Engagement Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships Embed Research & Inquiry Embed Research & Inquiry What connects our projects?

16 DEMONSTRATIONS FOR PROGRESSIVE ENGAGEMENT Catalyst for Learning Tool 1: GROWING INNOVATION PROJECT EXAMPLARS: Clickable/interactive map with personal stories and voices. rural web site with ideas Catalyst for Learning 2: Webinars with published schedule, led by project leaders, with context set by Pat and Linda. (Planning template in the works)  November 26 – Project Based Learning for Student Engagement (SD#59 and 60)  January 15 – Place Conscious Learning through Digital Story Telling (SD#8 and #10)  Mid-February – Connected Classrooms/Collaboration (SD#74 and #85)  Early March – Aboriginal Academy  Early April – Intergenerational Learning (SD#64) Question: Do you wish to profile your project in one of the webinars? (

17 Takes you to a page with: Website with archived resources Photo Gallery Resources Video Embeds Learning Team Contacts Tags: environment, heritage, PBL, transitions, etc. Takes you to a page with: Website with archived resources Photo Gallery Resources Video Embeds Learning Team Contacts Tags: environment, heritage, PBL, transitions, etc.

18 DEMONSTRATIONS FOR PROGRESSIVE ENGAGEMENT Catalyst for Learning 3: Videos (about 6) with interactive facilitator guide  SD#64 (Gulf Islands), #8 (Kootenay Lake) and #69 (Qualicum) to date (see website video gallery)  To follow: SD#85 (Port Hardy) – post by end of October and 2 more (end of November)

19 DEMONSTRATIONS FOR PROGRESSIVE ENGAGEMENT Catalyst for Learning 3: Videos (about 6) with interactive facilitator guide  SD#64 (Gulf Islands), #8 (Kootenay Lake) and #69 (Qualicum) to date  To follow: SD#85 (Port Hardy) – post by end of October and 2 more (end of November)  Potential for a 7 th video on various examples of innovation (Linda)


21 Tell us a bit about the status of your project and plans for the year. Consider sharing a story and/or collecting stories about the impact of your project on individual students, your school, district and/or community. Updates and stories from project leaders

22 Next Steps: Growing Innovation Sign up information for webinars. Continued updating to the website. Elluminate sessions to continue (next one in January) Blog? Use of Elluminate link as needed. Communication to continue: encouragement to share with others. Sending of practical examples re planning principles to Pat and Linda.

23 Descriptors: B.C. Ed Plan 1) Personalized learning for every student 2) Quality teaching and learning 3) Flexibility and choice 4) High standards 5) Learning empowered by technology

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