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“Putting Children First” Annual Conference for Principals of Special Schools 10 th May 2013 Review of AHP Input - Scoping Current Provision.

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Presentation on theme: "“Putting Children First” Annual Conference for Principals of Special Schools 10 th May 2013 Review of AHP Input - Scoping Current Provision."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Putting Children First” Annual Conference for Principals of Special Schools 10 th May 2013 Review of AHP Input - Scoping Current Provision

2 Clare McGartland MBE Lead Allied Health Professions Consultant Public Health Agency Mary Emerson Allied Health Professions Consultant Public Health Agency

3 Content Overview of current Northern Ireland Health structures Outline of planned AHP review

4 Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Board Health and Social Care Board Public Health Agency Public Health Agency Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety Southern Health and Social Care Trust Southern Health and Social Care Trust Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Northern Health and Social Care Trust Northern Health and Social Care Trust South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Western Health and Social Care Trust Western Health and Social Care Trust Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Trust

5 Local Commissioning Areas Transforming Your Care: A Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland, fig11. pg. 39.

6 Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Board Health and Social Care Board Public Health Agency Public Health Agency Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety Health and Social Care Trusts Health and Social Care Trusts Policy Commissioning/Performance/ Public Health/Professional Expertise Service Provision

7 The Public Health Agency and Health and Social Care Board Health and Social Care Board Health and Social Care Board Performance Management/ Service Improvement Performance Management/ Service Improvement Finance Commissioning Health Improvement Health Protection Service Development Service Development Public Health Agency Public Health Agency

8 How Are We Organised In The PHA? Mary Hinds Director of Nursing & Allied Health Professions Pat Cullen Assistant Director Nursing, Quality, Safety & Patient/Client Experience Michelle Tennyson Assistant Director Allied Health Professions & Personal & Public Involvement Eddie Ritson Programme Director Centre for Connected Health

9 AHP/PPI Team in the PHA Mary Emerson AHP Consultant (Southern) Michelle Tennyson Assistant Director of Allied Health Professions and Personal & Public Involvement Clare McGartland Lead AHP Consultant Brendan Forde AHP Consultant (South Eastern) Corrina Grimes AHP Consultant (Northern) Geraldine Teague AHP Consultant (Southern) Shane Breen AHP Consultant (Belfast) Mary Emerson AHP Consultant (Southern) Martin Quinn PPI Lead Roisin Kelly Senior PPI Officer

10 The Seven Professions Podiatry Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech & Language Therapy Speech & Language Therapy Dietetics Orthoptics Radiography

11 AHP Consultants Acute Maternity, Family and Child Health Palliative Care Older People’s Care Mental Health and Learning Disability Long Term Conditions Physical and Sensory Disability Health Promotion Primary Care Health Education Prisons Northern Ireland Housing Executive Community and Voluntary Sector

12 Key Figures 4,500 Allied Health Professions registered in Northern Ireland Approx. 2.5 million face to face contacts 2010 to 2011 9 week maximum waiting time target. Referral to Treatment Commencement.

13 AHP Review Why undertake a review?

14 Mary Emerson AHP Consultant Public Health Agency Project Lead

15 Background and Context Queries received Anecdotal evidence Internal discussions

16 Putting Children First Child centred provision is vital Ensure children’s AHP assessed needs are met Maximise potential Ensure VFM Ensure treatment is outcomes-focussed

17 Collaboration

18 The Professions Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Dietetics Orthoptics Podiatry Speech and Language Therapy

19 The Review Full involvement of all stakeholders from the outset is essential for the success of this project. Scoping Exercise Agreement of a Regional Model Implementation The review will be carried out in three phases:

20 Phase 1 Engagement and collaborative/partnership working with all key stakeholders Baseline of current arrangements Identification of common themes Phase 1 ends with agreeing recommendations for further action.

21 Indicative Timescale: Phase 1 - March 2014 The first phase will impact on the timescales of the second and third phases.

22 Phase 2 Partnership/Collaboration and engagement with all key stakeholders Recommendations from phase one Secure agreement of a regional model in consultation with key stakeholders

23 Phase 3 Work in partnership and collaboration with all key stakeholders Implement the agreed regional model on an incremental basis.

24 Finally… …constantly asking ourselves what difference we are making to children and young people will keep us focused on the ultimate aim of the project – Putting Children First.



27 Workshop Discussions Do you agree with the direction of travel? What is the best way to engage with school staff? What is the best way to engage with parents/carers? What is the best way to engage with children?

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